Quote:ah a very wise person. thank you friend, i agree it may be a grey thats what i thought, i am very knowledgeble of greys and if it was on i think it was not a "worker bee" grey it was a tall very advanced being. thank you so much! i will look into the channleing. Also what are ways i could draw it back for another contact(although when i ask that question i "feel" like i already know how i have just been waiitng to assure my confidence in myself. I really thank you for the help, also could i every try to channel the being? is channleing bad or does it make you vunerable to the being?
My friend I am no wiser than you. Desire is Action. What I mean is if from a balanced and open perspective you use your will/intention to make contact again then you increase the probability. Now I would say another contact like the one you had may not happen. You may be contacted telepathically or be given synchronicity's and such like. I would guess that you are perhaps connected to these entities and you had agreed the experience before incarnation.
Basically don't get wrapped up in making contact again. Accept what is and simply state your desire to have contact again when you are most ready and will most benefit.
On channeling it does not make you vulnerable, it is a natural state/function of consciousness. People have expressed concern but I fully believe that If you concentrate on only contacting positive entities and ask your guides and higher self to protect you from anything untoward you will be fine. I have a channeling book and the first step when meditating is to imagine yourself in a ball of light. I see this ball to be both protective and a means to increase your vibration to match incoming energies from another entity.