Wanding / Crystal work is solid energy work - the basics. One usually uses tools like crystals and wands until the tools are no longer needed. They can be so much fun and very enlightening for your journey/path. I used to hold classes on channeling work with crystals (and wands). With all channeling and healing, you are the channel or funnel for the energy. It is not manifested from you or the tool. You learn to allow yourself to be a channel of energy. You want to get yourself in balance energy-wise. Then protect yourself and the channel, (IE: do a white-light egg "active" meditation). This allows for the best benefit of intensity and also to protect yourself and anyone you may be working on. Also, as an added bonus, if you manipulate your microcosmic orbit, this will enhance the energy that much more, intensifying your wanding / crystal work. After the above is completed;
You will want to "clear" the energy of your tools, (wand & crystals).
You will want to "charge" your tools, (wands & crystals).
Then by actively channeling energy from the universe, down into a funnel into your crown, heat and third eye centers, allowing the colors to intensify and the vibration to increase, allow your focus to be on the energy "in between" the vibrations, (like looking/sensing the waves "in between" a rubber band between two fingers that you flicked). Then allow with gentle force, the energy you channeled into your energy centers to now flow through the inside of your 3d body and also your auric field at the same time, to run down your arms and out your hand and crystals/wand. Have the knowledge and wisdom that the tools, (crystals/wands), are merely an extension of your yourself. Have the focused intent of the particular energy you want to dish out, (IE: healing or charging, etc.). Visualizing the energy flow from 2d to 3d intensifies the energy in a big way. After the flow starts, allow it to flow on its own with periodically give gentle nudges/pushes and one in a while a forceful boom!
The above is very generalized and is no way everything on crystal/energy work. If I may make a recommendation; Here is a great recourse book by Uma Silbey, (a goddess imo when it comes to these things). The book has to deal with Crystals A to Z including wanding, crystal work, energy work, chakra work, crystal jewelry, healing yourself, healing others as well as light channeling.
Your amethyst crystal at the bottom is a perfect location and crystal type. One of healing energy. All energy channeled will have a hint or more of "healing" on one level or another. The clear quartz at the top is also the most ideal set-up, as it will intensify the root crystal and have a suck/push energy effect as well as a very energized vibrational effect. The oak is fantastic for peace, strength, endurance of magick energies.
I would absolutely Love to see a pic of your wand. Is there any chance you can post a pic in this thread, please?
I can offer to you, (with only your permission of course), to clear and/or charge up your crystals and wand. Just lemme know what energy you desire, (IE: Physical Energy, Spiritual Energy, Healing Energy, Balancing Energy, etc., etc.). I can do this absentee as it's called, (not needing to have you or the tools in physically front of me).
I can go on and on when the discussion is on energy work, but I will stop here. I've been told when I get on a discussion of energy work I tend to be a bit intense, passionate and/or obsessive....But as Sammy Davis Jr. said in his song; "I gotta be me"
You will want to "clear" the energy of your tools, (wand & crystals).
You will want to "charge" your tools, (wands & crystals).
Then by actively channeling energy from the universe, down into a funnel into your crown, heat and third eye centers, allowing the colors to intensify and the vibration to increase, allow your focus to be on the energy "in between" the vibrations, (like looking/sensing the waves "in between" a rubber band between two fingers that you flicked). Then allow with gentle force, the energy you channeled into your energy centers to now flow through the inside of your 3d body and also your auric field at the same time, to run down your arms and out your hand and crystals/wand. Have the knowledge and wisdom that the tools, (crystals/wands), are merely an extension of your yourself. Have the focused intent of the particular energy you want to dish out, (IE: healing or charging, etc.). Visualizing the energy flow from 2d to 3d intensifies the energy in a big way. After the flow starts, allow it to flow on its own with periodically give gentle nudges/pushes and one in a while a forceful boom!
The above is very generalized and is no way everything on crystal/energy work. If I may make a recommendation; Here is a great recourse book by Uma Silbey, (a goddess imo when it comes to these things). The book has to deal with Crystals A to Z including wanding, crystal work, energy work, chakra work, crystal jewelry, healing yourself, healing others as well as light channeling.
Your amethyst crystal at the bottom is a perfect location and crystal type. One of healing energy. All energy channeled will have a hint or more of "healing" on one level or another. The clear quartz at the top is also the most ideal set-up, as it will intensify the root crystal and have a suck/push energy effect as well as a very energized vibrational effect. The oak is fantastic for peace, strength, endurance of magick energies.
I would absolutely Love to see a pic of your wand. Is there any chance you can post a pic in this thread, please?
I can offer to you, (with only your permission of course), to clear and/or charge up your crystals and wand. Just lemme know what energy you desire, (IE: Physical Energy, Spiritual Energy, Healing Energy, Balancing Energy, etc., etc.). I can do this absentee as it's called, (not needing to have you or the tools in physically front of me).
I can go on and on when the discussion is on energy work, but I will stop here. I've been told when I get on a discussion of energy work I tend to be a bit intense, passionate and/or obsessive....But as Sammy Davis Jr. said in his song; "I gotta be me"