(12-21-2013, 06:33 PM)Adonai One Wrote: Ad hominem. This isn't about me. Thank you.
I find this incredibly disrespectful. Both of you are not even addressing the actual proposition.
Brother, my last post was not directed completely at you. If you read my post in a vacuum outside of other threads in this forum, it may seem to come somewhat out of left field.
But there have been other threads in this forum about dissatisfaction with the illusion (quite a few really) and I think that dissatisfaction and finding reasons not to incarnate can have similar themes that I thought it interesting to comment on; to see the patterns therein.
As I am interested (obsessed!) about balance I look at all inquiries from many perspectives, but one perspective being what does the inquiry itself tell us about ourselves? I am sorry if I offended you. I freely admit that my orange is always in need of work so I assure you I was not trying to assert some sort of superiority or put you down. I think I may understand where you come from as sometimes I feel that your posts are somewhat aggressively commented upon; but I assure you this was not my intent.
Much love A1. This blue ray thing is such a work in progress as well!