12-10-2013, 02:49 PM
(12-10-2013, 02:29 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: I suffer from delusions of grandeur, which feeds my schizophrenia. A lot of the Law of One is fantastic. But I can't get past the thought that higher densities, and the universe being conscious, and Logoi, are all topics of grandeur. So I find it hard to believe in them, because they will feed my schizophrenia. How can I enjoy the Law of One while still remaining sane, and grounded? How can I believe in higher densities that are more harmonious? I'm seeking help here. It's hard to talk with my therapist about such things. How can I believe that in some density/dimension, even anthros are real, and that there is a density of Light?
dear gemini,
first of all take responsibility for your disease. Since you create it at some consciousness level. say to yourself " i'm taking responsibility of my creation" and "i have created it". These will help you a big deal.
i'd love to help you much more however at least just don't want to do any harm.
take care
ps: www.ptaah.com is a good source