12-08-2013, 02:07 PM
Quote:They take your spiritual mass and power and direct it towards their purposes like an intense battery.
They harvest sixth-density wanderers from planets like this one through methods of deception and overcome Confederation and Inner Planes forces to do so.
I usually avoid arguments about the Law of One material mostly because, although I agree with it, I do not engage with the material with as much fervor as some readers here do and leave it to them to debate the specifics, but I will make an exception today.
Regardless of the veracity (or lack thereof) of your statement, nowhere in the quotes from the Law of One you have posted, Adonai, does it hint at anything close to the conclusion you have come to. In fact, the last statement from Ra points at a single positive entity making the jump to a negative time/space from this planet and it does not state if said entity was from fourth, fifth or sixth density. There is no speaking of battery or enslavement, or any details about the conditions which lead to such change in polarity because of the Law of Confusion. The connections to the material you propose are quite weak. Therefore, you cannot base any of your assumptions on the passages you have quoted. If this is an attempt at posting a serious theory or an exercise of logic, please try again.
I will suggest the following based on the possibility that you are truthfully being bothered by something external; you have within you an inquisitive mind as well as a lot of fear. Your fear, if pushed ever so slightly, morphs into paranoia. This debilitates your mind and logical functions and sends you spiraling down into contemplation of worst case scenarios and conspiracies. It activates an obsessive part of your psyche which then focuses heavily on a negative perception of reality. Please consider this heavily. You are not sick or insane, but your thoughts are tainted with great fear and this is what you share with people around you, including this public forum, in such instances where you let your mind sink into this harmful mode of thinking.
This shadow is one which is still unresolved within you but I have faith you will come to realization soon enough and balance yourself out, as I know it is also your wish to do so. Whatever happens you have my full support and admiration, and I wish you only the best