Randi knows he would never have to give $1 million to anybody bc he knows that the basic assumptions within his scientific paradigm (modernist/materialist - like look @ neuro & physio functions) is limited in its scope to study psi phenom.
It is possible for a researcher who uses phenomenological research to study things like channeling. These researchers use different basic assumptions and don't need materialistic evidence (they are postmodernist and beyond). Stanislav Grof would be an example… and actually Daryl Bem, a social psychologist does study psi, too.
I don't know how Randi could be STS just because he's a skeptic and dramatic. He's just reacting to something he feels is sucking in naive believers (who do get persuaded so easily to believe everything). There's an irony bc anti-science and skeptics demonize each other lol. Better look at one's hyper-reactiveness than blame someone for being STS just bc they don't subscribe to same beliefs and assumptions.
It is possible for a researcher who uses phenomenological research to study things like channeling. These researchers use different basic assumptions and don't need materialistic evidence (they are postmodernist and beyond). Stanislav Grof would be an example… and actually Daryl Bem, a social psychologist does study psi, too.
I don't know how Randi could be STS just because he's a skeptic and dramatic. He's just reacting to something he feels is sucking in naive believers (who do get persuaded so easily to believe everything). There's an irony bc anti-science and skeptics demonize each other lol. Better look at one's hyper-reactiveness than blame someone for being STS just bc they don't subscribe to same beliefs and assumptions.