12-02-2013, 11:44 AM
Ask a simple question, get a simple answer.
Would you mind explaining your reasoning behind your conclusion that an entity who is 100% service to self/otherself is "fully unified/assimilated with the octave, with all"?
Quote:A polarized entity that is 100% service-to-others is fully unified/assimilated with the octave, with all. Most positively polarized entities on this planet will be below 80% polarity by the very nature of the entity having desire and natural resistances within the creation. I agree a choice has to be made in order to do work but most entities here will have some use of the negative polarizing traits in order to participate in the creation.
Would you mind explaining your reasoning behind your conclusion that an entity who is 100% service to self/otherself is "fully unified/assimilated with the octave, with all"?