This illustrates why it's both so difficult and so important to flesh out these things to get to the core concepts. For me, mistakes does not imply any shame or anything bad - I grew up in a environment where mistakes were ok and acceptable (tho also raised to believe very few things were mistakes lol). But I can totally understand why mistake could have a different connotation. Ra I think like to say I believe surprises no mistakes. Or we can say missteps.
The key is seeing our actions without self-judgement / condemnation and without the terms good and bad - that's the core. Or that's how I put it, but the concept is 100% same I believe as to tho be you are sharing and it is very important!
The key is seeing our actions without self-judgement / condemnation and without the terms good and bad - that's the core. Or that's how I put it, but the concept is 100% same I believe as to tho be you are sharing and it is very important!