I'm not implying this has anything to do with etiquette or ceremony. This is similar to physics in that [there] are metaphysics governing 'channeling' higher level entities. The Ra material supports the use of physical technology in being able to even achieve actual contact. The slightest wrinkle in a sheet or non-virgin physical device such as the chalice would detrimentally affect the contact. Ra referred to the contact as 'narrowband', sounding more reminiscent of receiving a very weak radio signal.
Who's to say that the contact isn't governed by metaphysical criteria on the other end? What if a 3 person channeling group can only channel a social memory complex they are a member of?
These are questions I would love to have asked a 6th density entity such as Ra. This is why I would love to have someone responsibly channel Ra again during my lifetime. But judging by the first contact, it is risky physically and metaphysically. I would rather wait 50 years or never see it my entire lifetime if the opposite means seeing someone I care for seriously injured or worse in the attempt.
Who's to say that the contact isn't governed by metaphysical criteria on the other end? What if a 3 person channeling group can only channel a social memory complex they are a member of?
These are questions I would love to have asked a 6th density entity such as Ra. This is why I would love to have someone responsibly channel Ra again during my lifetime. But judging by the first contact, it is risky physically and metaphysically. I would rather wait 50 years or never see it my entire lifetime if the opposite means seeing someone I care for seriously injured or worse in the attempt.