10-17-2013, 06:45 AM
Quote:I'm channeling Ra and Ra only. I don't want to be seen as a competitor. I just wanted to make it generally known that new material was going to be out there. That was the goal of this thread. Heh.
People here are going to have problems with me trying to channel Ra for whatever reason, as if it's a sacred thing to pursue, especially the admins of L/L Research.
There is new material out there, heaps of it, even some available on this site. As for the “sacred” comment lol no, this is not the case and you’ve actually been informed in depth numerous times as to why people are against the idea (such as the issue with L/L Research affiliation of this site, queries as to your intention and deception and other well thought out logical arguments), you do yourself and others no favours by holding this notion. The “narrow band vibration” Ra talk about isn’t just because Ra is 6th density, they picked Carla specifically for the endeavour.
Quote:I'll deduce the source of such discrepancy and work from there. If it's clear I'm channeling something totally different, I'll probably throw the whole project out and become completely agnostic indefinitely. My faith would probably be gone indefinitely.
I am not attached to any outcome. I'm only doing what I perceive as being called to do with a blindfold on. I am not even convinced entirely of this phenomenon but I believe in it enough to pursue.
If you want to be better equipped to figuring out what is “imaginary” and “real” I would suggest studying other fields of inquiry rather than to channel spirits, lol. It seems like you’re very susceptible to whatever satisfies your biases, this is what worries me. You are frustrated you can’t convert your seemingly tacit knowledge to an explicit output and seek to do that through channelling Ra which will satisfy all your personal queries? You do realize you are putting you and your fiancee's lives at risk for such a petty reason?
Seeking Ra personally in an effort to gain more knowledge from them is probably not the best idea if the original material is not entirely understood (build from a firm foundation and all that).
Quote:The fact is I am pretty sure Ra exists. I attribute the UFO phenomenon I saw to the Confederation and to Ra.
I am just simply open to the possibility of this all being imaginary. I am agnostic.
Agnostic in what sense? In the sense of not knowing if Ra is legit? Or in the sense of accepting that you don’t know of the nature of the things which are above you?
The medium is the message my friend. If you ignore the process which forms the content then you will never understand the true nature of the content.
The Ra material is heavily influenced by Don’s worldview, your channelling will be heavily influenced by you and Vervex’s biases and unconscious expectations, and thus be of a different nature. If you get something that is actually really close to the way the Ra material is conveyed, I would say that would be more likely actually to be a negative greeting satisfying your expectations and then feeding you subtle misinfo (which you intend to spread far and wide no less hehe).
The Ra material isn’t just Ra, it’s Ra/Don/Carla/Jim, I don’t know why you can’t accept this. Your "Ra" will (should) be different. The Ra material is not an ultimate beacon of truth. It is an experience that happened to people and was processed through human minds. I give the material credence for many reasons but it is not perfect and was not intended to be (which is why it’s been so perfect for people lol).
So it has to be Ra? You say you want to be convinced of their existence and by extension message I guess? If that’s the case then why have you been trying to spread the material on the internet (through deceptive means) if you don’t even believe it? Lol
Why have you been pontificating your own interpretation of the material and archetypes as the best and telling people to drop all the beliefs they had and accept your interpretations as undeniable truth if you don’t hold stock in the material you’ve been basing it all off?
Why, Why!? Lol
Quote:To put the mass of the public on equal grounds with the powers that be in terms of metaphysical information.
For too long has humanity been in darkness.
This speaks for itself, along with that you wish to be personally credited for the action. I believe Ra (this dude you all seem to like so much) said with "sleepers" what they would do is to provide that which gives comfort for sleep, rather than rouse them unasked.
Look, odds are you’re either going to get quite mediocre material or one of you is going to suffer extreme loss for the price of quality output (or suffer the loss and get trash material anyway). It's not like you two aren't capable of producing quality material but the fact that it has to be Ra for you and that you don't seem quite aware of the dangers is what worries me.
Do what you will.
Edit: I'm sorry if this came across as super harsh man. I've done something similar (and for similar motivations) in my past and I don't think the scars are gonna heal while I'm in this incarnation, I just don't want to see you guys get hurt when you don't need to.