10-15-2013, 05:32 PM
So what is not imaginary, exactly? Aha
You may not realize it, but I am trying to help you to shed any doubts you may have. If there is one thing I know it is that doubt, fear and uncertainty all distorts and dilutes magic and intention. The greatest challenge in this kind of working isn't really danger from negative entities so much as distraction, doubt, uncertainty, mistrust and ultimately the opposition from other self. Do you think everyone around Jim, Carla and Don accepted and believed in their endeavour? Likely not. What was the one true goal of the negative entity that greeted them? To cease the contact.
If you discover discrepencies, do not simply give up, because the fact of the matter is that it is a process, and not a perfect one, so there will be mistakes, confusions and distortions. These should not be treated as a flaw in the channeling, but rather as part of the tuning and balancing process that goes along with the channeling experience. Yes, sometimes your tuning may be off and you may get things other than Ra, or distorted messages, but this should teach you about your own nature as a channel, rather than deter you from continuing to seek the truth.
If you want my opinion, one of the advantages that L/L had was that they channeled multiple entities before they channeled Ra, they learned what a genuine contact is like and how to notice consistency in a contact. I would, personally, and you may already have, spend some time just getting the tuning process solid and consistent before actually getting in to the heavy questioning.
Basically what I am saying is build your trust and faith in yourself through practice before you get in to the "real deal", as I am sure you are well aware and have been doing already. There is no time limit, you have all the time you need to hone yourself, do not rush, stay calm, cool and collected and keep your intentions clear.
It appears to be somewhat easy to trigger you, and of all things within yourself that is what I would be especially attentive to.
I would add that the one thing that protected the three channeling Ra before was their dedication to loving, to being honest and being of service.
They loved even those that doubted them, and eachother, without taking on those doubts themselves. They strived for the highest honesty with Ra and with eachother, and every working was dedicated to being of service to other self. As Ra said, there is no magic greater than the honest distortion towards love.
You may not realize it, but I am trying to help you to shed any doubts you may have. If there is one thing I know it is that doubt, fear and uncertainty all distorts and dilutes magic and intention. The greatest challenge in this kind of working isn't really danger from negative entities so much as distraction, doubt, uncertainty, mistrust and ultimately the opposition from other self. Do you think everyone around Jim, Carla and Don accepted and believed in their endeavour? Likely not. What was the one true goal of the negative entity that greeted them? To cease the contact.
If you discover discrepencies, do not simply give up, because the fact of the matter is that it is a process, and not a perfect one, so there will be mistakes, confusions and distortions. These should not be treated as a flaw in the channeling, but rather as part of the tuning and balancing process that goes along with the channeling experience. Yes, sometimes your tuning may be off and you may get things other than Ra, or distorted messages, but this should teach you about your own nature as a channel, rather than deter you from continuing to seek the truth.
If you want my opinion, one of the advantages that L/L had was that they channeled multiple entities before they channeled Ra, they learned what a genuine contact is like and how to notice consistency in a contact. I would, personally, and you may already have, spend some time just getting the tuning process solid and consistent before actually getting in to the heavy questioning.
Basically what I am saying is build your trust and faith in yourself through practice before you get in to the "real deal", as I am sure you are well aware and have been doing already. There is no time limit, you have all the time you need to hone yourself, do not rush, stay calm, cool and collected and keep your intentions clear.
It appears to be somewhat easy to trigger you, and of all things within yourself that is what I would be especially attentive to.
I would add that the one thing that protected the three channeling Ra before was their dedication to loving, to being honest and being of service.
They loved even those that doubted them, and eachother, without taking on those doubts themselves. They strived for the highest honesty with Ra and with eachother, and every working was dedicated to being of service to other self. As Ra said, there is no magic greater than the honest distortion towards love.