It's funny because I was studying the nature of time from the sessions yesterday, and today I re-watched the movie called the Watchmen where it shoes Doctor Manhattan viewing time as simultaneous throughout the movie.
On the nature of time and the present moment.
Hatonn Sunday Meditation August, 1973
On the nature of time and it's connection with catalyst/experience and seeking.
Oxal December 29, 1985 "TIME, SPACE, AND EVOLUTION"
On the nature of time and the present moment.
Hatonn Sunday Meditation August, 1973
Quote:I am Hatonn. I am with this instrument. I greet you in the love and in the light of our infinite Creator.
I am aware of your problem. It is an understanding of time. I will attempt to instruct you as to the nature of time. It is not very simple to you, I am sure, but it is very simple to us. simply because we are aware of time in a different way than you are aware of time.
Time, my friends, is in your mind. There is only now, and there is only here. The reason that there appears to be a reciprocal nature between space and time in your world is because your world is, shall we say, designed to produce this illusion. It is an illusion necessary for certain catalytic actions that you enjoy in your present state for the purpose of your continued spiritual growth and evolution.
Time, however, is totally independent of space, and space is totally independent of time, for in truth they have no relationship—for in truth neither has meaning. There is one place, and there is one time. Therefore, there is no interdependent relationship between the two.
I am going to at this time, if you will excuse the pun, call on another to speak to you, for it may be of some help to hear his words, as they will be somewhat less simple and therefore more time-consuming. I am sorry to be, shall we say, in a joking mood this evening, but I am afraid I find the subject somewhat of a humorous one.
I will leave you at this time. Adonai.
I am Oxal. I am with this instrument. I have been called for the purpose of speaking to you on the nature and reality of time. Time is a field, like unto your electric field, your magnetic field. But what is a field, my friends? A field is an effect. A field is in your minds. A field has different effects at different distances. So does time. As you have recently stated, time and space are dependent, one upon another. It has also been stated that they are totally independent, and have no relationship.
Both of these statements are true. It simply depends on your point of view. The people of your planet at present do not appreciate the number of dimensions that are available for one to experience the creation. All of these dimensions are made up of a single place and a single time, and, for that matter, a single dimension, which has no dimension. But it is necessary to go from where you are to where you will be. Therefore, we shall speak of time as you know it and try to lead you to that place where you will know it.
Time is a field. It is space-dependent. Space is a field and is time-dependent. For this reason you recognize a reciprocal nature. The relationship between the two is the third power [of] displacement in either. This may be recognized by a simple equation or formula. T3 divided by 3 is equal to S3. S3 divided by 3 is equal to T.
There are three dimensions: therefore, the numeral “3” is used, both as a power and as a constant. Permeability of the field is dependent upon the speed of the reciprocal field. Your present constant, that which you call the velocity of light, is the basic speed of the field. The permeability of that which you know as matter is dependent upon this constant. In other words, my friends, the densities of which your world is composed, and the densities of the other planes of existence as you know them, are time-dependent. Their permeability is a function of apparent speed.
Condensation in dense form results from oscillations between reciprocally related space/time entities and permeability, or the basic density of this material, is a function of the apparent velocity of what you call light. There are six spaces and six times in each density. In your present form and state of awareness you recognize three. The other three you travel in in the state of sleep. In doing this. you become, quite often, mismatched with your awareness you possess in your waking state. For this reason you are able to perceive events that will occur in what is to you in the waking state the future. However, the future is an illusion, as is the past, for there is only the present. It is possible to slide, shall we say, along with respect to your awareness of time in the waking state simply by removing through the process of normal sleep the confines of the physical illusion. Space and time are then, as before, reciprocally related.
It in a difficult subject upon which to speak, and will require considerable intellectual thought for you to apply or communicate to others within the present illusion. How can one reduce to a mathematics fabricated within a system of illusion a truth that is totally outside the boundaries of that system? It may be possible, however, to make certain statements regarding the relationships between space and time in any system that will help to guide an individual attempting to work within a limited system to understand the truth of the actions and the limits of that system of phenomena of time. It would, however, be much better to eliminate from the individual’s consciousness preconceived notions of the nature of both time and space, for they are not what they seem to be, as depicted by their phenomena within the boundaries of your present limitations.
Space may be thought of as linear, if time is thought of as volumetric. Or you may reverse the process, as you do within your limitation, and consider space volumetric and time linear. Either is true. And either may be perceived to be true, depending upon the limitations of your thought. It is possible to move linearly in space and volumetrically in time, all with the same movement. You can be aware of what you call the past, the present, and the future, simultaneously.
Time is not so much time as it is space, and space is not so much space as it is time. They are one and the same thing, and yet they are reciprocally related. For is not 1/1=1? For there is only one thing and we are all parts of it.
There are six dimensions, but you must speak of three. And time is a field, and radiates from each nucleus of matter in all directions and may be evaluated as T = S3/3, where T is time and S is space.
I will be happy to speak with you in the future regarding this subject. However, it is thought that it will be necessary to consider that which has been given to you before further instruction will be of great benefit. It is a very difficult bridge to travel, between a world of semantics and a place of being. But we will serve you in any way that we can.
I am Oxal. I will leave you at this time. Adonai vasu borragus. It has been a great privilege. Peace be with you.
On the nature of time and it's connection with catalyst/experience and seeking.
Oxal December 29, 1985 "TIME, SPACE, AND EVOLUTION"
Quote:We would speak to you about that which you call time and space. It is difficult to approximate in your language the resonances of what these two words approximate, for we are speaking of that which is the material out of which your creation is made, and that creative intelligence which creates that which is made. It is not unusual, we have found, that, among your peoples, time seems to pass more and more rapidly as one’s incarnational experience builds up and that which is known as time passes. It must occur to many logical minds that the speeding up of time is a kind of illusion within your illusion, for one cannot make mechanical objects, such as your clocks, that speed up the passage of time in concert with each person’s subjective perception of time.
Time and space have a reciprocal relationship and are allegories or analogs of love and light. As these forces impinge upon each seeker’s consciousness, they present to that seeker the possibility of experience. Indeed, another word for time is experience. It seems to be untrue that some moments contain more experience than others, and herein lies the crux of what we wish to impart to you. When there is no distortion in space, each finite moment becomes a unified or cosmic moment and is a thing with the properties of timelessness. It is during timeless moments that experience is seated within the seeker.
Now catalyst is given to each seeker moment by moment, and one need only look to your young souls to see what can be made of the catalyst of the moment. Children, being less used to the wasting of moments, instinctually approach and perceive each piece of catalyst as that which will become experience. There is an overwhelming amount of catalyst in each moment. The fullness of catalyst available in each moment begins, as the child grows into what you call adulthood, to become more of a burden than a pleasure and, as one is overwhelmed by one’s catalyst, one ceases to process it into experience. In other words, the space required to use one unit of time becomes distorted in a subjective sense so that the experience time offers buckles and bends and shrinks because that space with which time is inextricably paired has not room enough for the transformation of that which comes to the ear and eye and heart.
When the seeker chooses, consciously, to use catalyst, space, that internal space which allows time to pass, is then of sufficient length to accept fully the catalyst and its possibility of being transformed into actual experience. When the seeker becomes bemused or distracted and partakes of the mundane, that seeker eliminates from conscious use much of the catalyst which the process of day-to-day living generates. When the seeker is ready to be conscious of the moment, that present moment being one with itself, that is, full of time and equally full of space, then the seeker has the opportunity to experience a timeless moment in which all time is one. Within this moment an infinite amount of work may be done in consciousness for the gradual transformation of the self into that being which each has the capability of claiming. Yea, it is part of your birthright. What is a birthright, my friends, but something with which you were born? A birthright is not something one is given partially or unevenly. Yet a birthright need not be used, just as an inheritance may not be claimed by an heir who does not wish to experience the having of money.
Let us again look at the small child who is greedy of his birthright and who spends a significant amount of your time in the timeless present moment. In more and more of your young beings at this time one is able to observe a heightened intensity of seeking and a more rapid translation of catalyst into experience which is seated within the heart. How does one become, then, as a little child? It is written in your holy work, known as the Bible, that unless one is as a little child, one cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. This statement is simplistic as regards that which is called the kingdom of heaven, but again, language fails to be adequate to meaning and so we must attempt to use words as well as we can.
This is a present moment. What is your catalyst, my friends? Time may be wasted. We listen through this instrument’s ears and we hear this instrument’s voice relaying concepts, some of which this instrument is unfamiliar with. We are aware of each vibratory complex which makes up each entity within this circle this evening. We hear the blessed sound of the furnace at work warming an otherwise frigid atmosphere. We find in each entity’s mind much unprocessed catalyst. That is what each brings to time. When one seeks distraction from heavy catalyst, one puckers and ruffles the ratio between time and space, and time is literally shortened in a subjective sense, for there is less space with which to match it. We use the term, space, not only in a physical sense but in a metaphysical sense in which space is analogous to the spaciousness of one’s point of view or, to put it another way, the room or area which is acceptable for using in the transformation of catalyst into seated experience.
It is no wonder that so many of your peoples find time to move faster and faster. Nor is it a wonder that most entities are completely unaware of why this occurs. This is very understandable due to the fact that if one does not process catalyst in this present moment, it will be carried over into the next discrete unit of time/space. If, then, the catalyst of the second discrete unit of time/space is also unused, the next unit of time/space is increasingly burdened with unprocessed catalyst and, by the time one is counting one’s years with dismay rather than pride, most of your peoples have such a load of old, unprocessed catalyst that to open oneself to the catalyst in the present moment is almost unthinkable, and it certainly takes a great deal of courage to begin to open to all the catalyst, old and new, which forms the catalyst of this discrete time/space unit of your incarnation.
There are very few, but it is notable enough that we mention this, who are so efficient in processing catalyst in the present moment that time begins to buckle inward under the burden of successfully approached and used catalyst. In that case, the entity who seeks will find itself in the creation, in a true sense, for the first time. For when time begins its full operation, there is the possibility of spacelessness or the unity of all space. In this distortion lies a compassion which cannot be approached except by those few among your peoples who have used catalyst with a fervor and enthusiasm and a conscious knowledge of the probity of such an exercise.