10-12-2013, 07:04 AM
(10-11-2013, 07:50 PM)Tanner Wrote: You want my honest opinion on what happens after we die?
We get to go over our lives like a completed piece of art and examine anything and everything we want to within it. That means every idea, every curiosity, every path not taken and taken will be explorable and accessible from the "main-stream" of our perceived linear conscious existence as a reference structure from which we expound the maximal amount of experience from the linear life pattern we have created. We will also be able to see every other self we experienced in that life too, as really the whole process is basically walking through an akashic memory. This means we can go back to an experience and not only see what was going on for us in our mind, body and spirit, but anyone and everything else which was in that experience. This is, of course, after the process of realization of being deceased occurs which varies between all individuals.
You could say that incarnative lives are the creation of "holographic, perceptually referential books of experiences" which relates to a primary self and secondary selves in a relationship of One to Many that is the activating and playing out of the infinite potentials of infinity which exists and occurs as the dramas of existence and consciousness. All of reality is a story told by a child.
Then, once we have finished digesting this life I think we do a recap and reconnect fully with our form-maker or indigo ray body which we use as we decide where the consciousness charge will next be redirected for experience, and so the circulation continues.
We agree, Tanner. This existence is "space/time" because we have freedom to move around in space whereas we drift along the time line with no way to go forward or backward.
The other existence is "time/space" because we can and must move back and forth in time, whereas we are limited to the spaces that we occupied when incarnated. The past tense in the last sentence is an unfortunate artifact of this language.
In time/space we move among pasts and futures of our space/time existences but can't do anything fresh, only examine the minutest details with our higher selves and our other selves. We do, I believe, get to converse (unfortunate word--commune might be better) with others whom we dealt/will deal with. These include ones that were/will be "enemies" in a space/time life. That's why we can follow Jesus' advice to love our enemies. He knew that our enemies are ourselves.
I converse with an elderly lady who, several years after her husband died, learned that he cheated on her during their marriage. She gets worked up over that and I let her rant, and eventually she admits that her anger is mainly at herself for not seeing the evidence and confronting him. I told her that after she passes over to the other side, she will meet him and they will laugh about all of that. She says, "Really? Do you really think that?" Indeed I do.
The best feature of meditation is that we, not always even consciously, pick up clues about our other, unmanifested selves and relations with those whom we might love or "disagree with" in this life.