04-17-2010, 04:29 PM
(04-16-2010, 07:48 PM)Namaste Wrote: Acting in a negative manner can stem from many reasons. Two of the usual suspects in the office however are: 1) they feel out of control, i.e. fear, which makes them act unconsciously/selfishly and 2) it's the best/only way they know how to react.
If it's because of 1, you can look through the eyes of compassion and realise that the person is a bit lost and is having difficulty finding themselves. Move your mind from the context of work, and see the bigger picture of their entire life experience. The person is trying to make themselves happy, but having trouble doing so, which is causing moments of negativity at work.
Namaste, Namaste! Thanks for the input, I appreciate your advice. My guess is that it's cause #1 with her for the most part, with a small dose of #2 mixed in since I have seen her handle issues in different ways.. As I see it, a project manager can handle the task at hand in one of two ways: Either by providing leadership while relying on the teamwork and trust of the group to get the job done, or else in a STS manner where you control each member and every aspect of the project in minute detail.
But ultimately, I'm not actually having trouble seeing the bigger picture, forgiving her, or feeling love and compassion. She's on her own 3rd density path and is part of the One that is all. And I do understand why she is the way that she is. I have a little routine each morning when I first awaken (But before I move) where I try to send love to all of Creation. First generally, and then I go through the specific people I am likely to interact with. I always spend extra time beaming her love.
While I certainly would like her behavior to change, and your suggestions were very good, I don't really feel like she would be receptive to my words. Also, I am the kind of person that is usually quiet, preferring to lead by example and let my own light shine rather than directly confront the darkness in others. I am working on myself actively but usually only teach others passively.
The real issue I was trying to get at is the difficulty I have in dealing with my own negative thoughts about her DURING one of these arguments while she is being abusive to others. Almost always, with any conflict, once a few minutes have passed where I can reflect, I always remember the bigger picture and can forgive in an instant. I am very much at peace with Other-selves in general. However, what I'd really like to be able to do is avoid the negative thoughts arising in the first place in response to a person acting negatively. If avoidance is not possible, then I'd like to be able to more quickly transmute the thought by feeling its antithises, much as a I do in later reflection. For some reason, though I just can't seem to access that higher understanding in the heat of the moment. 5 minutes later, no problem, it's just hard for me to do while the catalyst is flying. I thought Lavazza was describing a similar struggle, and something about Ashim's mention of the dialogue with the Higher Self moved me, so I thought I'd chime in and ask for further elaboration.
Again, thank you much for your thoughts, I certainly do appreciate you taking the time out of your day to share. One thing you did give me to contemplate further was considering the line between compassion and pity. While I believe most of the time my compassion for her is based on love and an understanding of the challenges of this density, at times perhaps it does cross the line into pity, which is not really my intent. I appreciate you providing me that bit of reflection.
Love to all.