(04-16-2010, 12:50 PM)Lavazza Wrote: Ashim, do you think it's best to catch a negative thought while it's happening, or to let it play itself out and then reflect on it after the fact? I have many times found myself in an argument, feeling negative feelings and consciously realized what was happening while it was happening. But I have rarely if ever been able to cease the negativity in the moment, and when I have it has been an uncomfortable almost suppressive feeling. Do you know what I mean? It seems easier and more natural to find the opposite feeling afterwards, but perhaps I am missing the point of the exercise...?
Yes, catch it in mid flight. Try to 'see' yourself acting on Shakespears 'stage of life'. It's quite amusing to watch catalyst at work 'from the outside'.
Integration of negative polarity requires that you 'feel' the negativity. this can be unconfortable, but like going to the dentist, it's worth in in the long term.
This is work you can do now, if you feel ready, or later. The pace of this type of self healing is dictated only by you.
The goal being to really SEE the Love/Light in the moment.
Remember, the Higher Self knows this stuff well and will help you on your chosen path.
Some of the 'scenarios' I was provided with were very amusing from a higher density perspective. Our Creator has a great sense of humor.
Love & Light
p.s I very much recommend listening to Eddies link. Ra-Sha is very close to me and has given much support. Thank you.