(02-14-2009, 04:26 PM)Richard Wrote: Quantum,
I think we ought to separate simple interest in the 3rd to the 4th dimension ascension mechanics and actually wishing for it all to end because one is tired of dealing with life in the 3rd. One might argue that wishing for a chosen incarnation to end prematurely might be considered a leaning towards negative polarity within the LOO teachings.
I apologize for my long delay in responding to both of your participation. I have been traveling extensively as of late. Thank you for your patience and willingness to engage. I hope we may continue. You've hit the nail quite squarely on the head in my mind Richard, and one that I've been subtly driving at in as much as you suggest above that "one might argue that wishing for a chosen incarnation to end prematurely might be considered a leaning towards negative polarity within the LOO teachings". Beautifully shared. This one single statement should drop like the proverbial thud. I am surprised that no one has yet to pick up on this thought expressed? The larger distinction however herein also lies with the very fact that such an individual is not merely wishing for a premature exit individually so that he may summarily be dispatched to a higher realm with all due haste, but that the entire planet and all of it's inhabitants must go by the wayside in the process to accomplish his singular goal, this based solely on what may indeed, or at least possibly, be a rather bent, if not biased interpretation to what one emphatically insists one says that Ra says. It's one thing to suggest that an individual must go, and post haste in his own mind, this based on his own free will for better or worse, but it's altogether another horse of a different color, I would imagine, that the same individual holds that the entire planet must go as well, this to fulfill his self-biased/based interpretation. Might this not be even more negatively oriented (STS) as a result than simply the mere interpretation of same, if viewed in this more personal context? His wish and "Die Hard" LoO attitude notwithstanding means of course very little in the scheme of what will or will not happen. But, as we are examining the interpretation as affects the larger 'Social Memory Complex',, namely us, it may have a dramatic effect on the other other selves, if not all of us. As such, it strikes me as at least a possibility that those of us attempting to engage ourselves in an STO mindset or vibration have a higher responsibility to quell these fears in those perhaps less inclined to have learned to think for themselves. Not all, few in fact, have achieved this nominal, if not monumental ability.
(02-14-2009, 04:30 PM)Lavazza Wrote: I've got to agree- thinking for our selves may very well be one of the most important things we can do.We must think for ourselves to be sure. But, it is quite evident as our planetary history demonstrates that the population as a whole has historically demonstrated the abysmal lack of ability to do just exactly this. I am reminded of the scene in the Monty Python Movie "The Life Of Brian" where the mistaken Messiah (Brain), after having just made love to a beautiful woman, flings open the wooden shutters to his 3rd story loft, wherein butt naked and in full frontal nudity he finds himself breathing in the early morn, but with a crowd of adoring but mistaken followers looking up at him in expectation for an answer, to which he shouts to the throng, "You've got to learn to think for yourselves", at which point the multitude stare up at him, first in befuddled silence, and the camera panning up close at several of the actors who stare at each other also in dumbfounded silence, at which point the camera pulls back again at the multitude, who scream in unison.... "Yes, we've got to learn to think for ourselves."
Clearly history proves that sadly it isn't easy to think for ourselves. Television, Politics, and Madison Avenue alone are prime example. They count on the fact that we don't/can't think for ourselves. Thus, a self proclaimed teacher of a teaching assumes the mantle of taking it upon himself to disseminate a teaching, be it the Bible or even the LOO, and then proceed to go on ad nauseum about the myriad of reasons to support a particular theory, held out as truth.
Do we in STO have a responsibility to challenge this, less our weaker brother asleep at the wheel, as it were, be inclined to believe without reservation a higher intellect/supposed teaching, he strives for in earnest, and even needs, hypnotizing him to his detriment? Do we not have the same responsibility to question this for ourselves, rather than merely falling asleep at the wheel along with our slower brother.
Look only at the LOO Material itself and observe that at the beginning of each and every single reading to see that Ra pleads, asks, encourages, begs, or simply suggests, that we use our own discretion to discern. Do we?
I dare say I could write a volume of information in support of any number of theories or thoughts with the full weight of esoteric or scientific information to back either position held in diametric opposition of the other in the attempt to turn both into truths. Historically it has been done time and time again. I can mount all the evidence of literature, metaphysics, and science alike to substantiate any point incapable of being substantiated to prove anything. It just don't make it so though. I go back to my earlier point of the archetypal motif of "the end is near" as driving this insanity.
I dare say if we take it upon ourselves to do a bit of research as an experiment, and divide the question that "the end is near" verses that "it is not" that we could find many quotes from many sources, from the Koran to the Bible, and the Bhagavad Gita to the LOO to support either position. I am extremely confident that we could find many quotes by Ra that support both positions, and that the interpretation is open to the interpreter. Thats the thing about truths and beauty. They lie in the eye of the beholder. Now, who would wish to hold a truth involving a quicker death for all, not just himself, must say something rather profound about this beholder, particularly when given that this truth isn't a truth, this in spite of all of his support to the contrary, given the same quotes and information will absolutely support the converse.
(02-14-2009, 04:26 PM)Richard Wrote: I am very interested in how it all works. But I’m equally aware that I won’t know anything until I pass on. So if the secrets of the universe are denied us at this point, why worry about it?I think we do it because we must. It is our nature. I think we pursue knowledge because it is our destiny and our path. The secrets of the Universe are profoundly what some are only beginning to whisper at the door they have yet even to knock at, this in their own humble manner, while others having already walked through the door dare boldly to approach the throne. This journey is the reason for the dance. It is a must.
Secrets are not denied. They have only yet to be unveiled.
To all that are humbly persuaded to be either fearful or in doubt (and I know your out there), question all. Watch your day grow brighter as a result. Find the Ra quotes, and any others that would have you believe otherwise. You will see there are many. Shall we attempt to do so as an exercise?