09-09-2013, 11:13 AM
I tend to resonate with much of what I read of channeled material. It's hard to know what is truth. Just because I resonate with it, doesn't mean it's truth. If someone else channeled Ra, in the same way with trance and all, I'd probably resonate with that material. I never read Wilcock's channeling of Ra, because he said later that it wasn't Ra.
But really I'd go for any material channeled from a Confederation entity. They are all on the other side of the veil, and actually experience unconditional love for me and for all of Creation. So it would be nice to hear the words of a being that loves me for who I am. Thanks Parsons for that encouragement of Ra being able to be channeled again.
But really I'd go for any material channeled from a Confederation entity. They are all on the other side of the veil, and actually experience unconditional love for me and for all of Creation. So it would be nice to hear the words of a being that loves me for who I am. Thanks Parsons for that encouragement of Ra being able to be channeled again.