09-05-2013, 10:12 PM
I feel I should post this Q'uo'te:
Much love to you, my friend.
Quote:... Let us look first at faith. What is faith? Many would like faith to be faith in this or faith in that. But we say to you that, as far as we know, faith is the faith that all is well. It is not a belief; it is not a dogma; it is not complex; it does not have an object. Faith is an attitude of confidence that there is a plan, that the plan is working out perfectly, and that any difficulties that we are having with the plan are part of the plan. Therefore, no matter what the suffering, all is well and all will be well. The only responsibility of the faithful entity, then, is to maintain that faith and to deal with the suffering in a way that has as much as possible of humor, patience and perspective. For it is hoped that when it is seen that there is a plan, that this may release the spirit to dance within that plan, to look for ways to create style in responding to the nuances of the plan and finding ways to inject humor and a lightness of being into those reactions to the plan. And, above all, that ability to refrain from judging the self as stupid, unworthy or otherwise less than a perfect partner with the Creator and Spirit in experiencing and responding to the love and the light of the one infinite Creator.
Much love to you, my friend.