Here's something I've brought together on someone's request and I guess it fits here too...
Volumes I II III IV=old channelings (Fourth density understanding I think) starts with 1956.
Volume I offers quick and clean prerequisite material designed to sharply spark the interest of the new seekers because it was the beginnings.
Volume II offers the continuation with more information beginning to describe and outline the nature of man.
Volume III is most informative of man's current situations with a lot of various sessions going deeper into the nature of mystery which includes a lot of detailed information.
Volume IV I'm beginning to read now.
There are many entities in these four volumes which are unknown because they use no names, they identify themselves through vibration. Some entities I can state are Yom, Oxal, Hatonn, Sojan, Anthon off the top of my head which use names within this (a lot of entities don't use names).
Also under the same link there is a side by side with the volumes, three years in which Latwii begins to enter among those who offer the concepts to the seekers. Those compiled side archives are dubbed in the page "1958""1959" and "1960"
Also in the SAME link the link dubbed "Extraterrestrial Communication, Telepathy Data Collected by D. T. Elkins (English)" Contains even more older channel sessions with which to look at.
Now there is so much more..
Entering the library again there are a lot of links.
This link is the sessions and transcripts from 1965 to 2010 which include SO much entities and I have not even read through it all, but I plan to.. These include Q'uo Aaron Oxal Hatonn Latwii Ariel and so many others which I can't even think of for example a entity I've never known called Monka and much much more. It is vast within this.
Within the library link you also have the Book of Days which has various channel sessions of entities I'm not familiar with.
Also there is this link Which comprises 1982 to 2009 with sessions which have RED topic headings to explain the material within each one.
And of course we have the Ra material with all 106 sessions.
It is said there are 1500 or so channeling sessions and I hope I at least encompassed some of these here.
Volumes I II III IV=old channelings (Fourth density understanding I think) starts with 1956.
Volume I offers quick and clean prerequisite material designed to sharply spark the interest of the new seekers because it was the beginnings.
Volume II offers the continuation with more information beginning to describe and outline the nature of man.
Volume III is most informative of man's current situations with a lot of various sessions going deeper into the nature of mystery which includes a lot of detailed information.
Volume IV I'm beginning to read now.
There are many entities in these four volumes which are unknown because they use no names, they identify themselves through vibration. Some entities I can state are Yom, Oxal, Hatonn, Sojan, Anthon off the top of my head which use names within this (a lot of entities don't use names).
Also under the same link there is a side by side with the volumes, three years in which Latwii begins to enter among those who offer the concepts to the seekers. Those compiled side archives are dubbed in the page "1958""1959" and "1960"
Also in the SAME link the link dubbed "Extraterrestrial Communication, Telepathy Data Collected by D. T. Elkins (English)" Contains even more older channel sessions with which to look at.
Now there is so much more..
Entering the library again there are a lot of links.
This link is the sessions and transcripts from 1965 to 2010 which include SO much entities and I have not even read through it all, but I plan to.. These include Q'uo Aaron Oxal Hatonn Latwii Ariel and so many others which I can't even think of for example a entity I've never known called Monka and much much more. It is vast within this.
Within the library link you also have the Book of Days which has various channel sessions of entities I'm not familiar with.
Also there is this link Which comprises 1982 to 2009 with sessions which have RED topic headings to explain the material within each one.
And of course we have the Ra material with all 106 sessions.
It is said there are 1500 or so channeling sessions and I hope I at least encompassed some of these here.