(09-02-2013, 03:32 AM)Adonai One Wrote:(09-02-2013, 03:00 AM)ChickenInSpace Wrote: Why don't you cut out the 'not' line, it seems to be "filler"?
Keeps things specific since hate is a form of love.
Remove the negative(s). The attention is still made on the 'Hate' and that is what will be brought forth as a result. Hate is experiencing the idea of a lack of love, and then projecting that. There's no such thing as 'I do not' and 'no' as your attention is then still fixated on that very thing you are attempting to avoid. It may be said that resisting/actively negating is not accepting, and so only through acceptance and understanding the underlying pathology we work with can we bring transformation.
What you are a creating here is a Sigil, or a somewhat simplified thoughtform with certain parameters or program instructions fed into it's structure. Be careful as these can run haywire in certain circumstances. That being said, this in itself won't do much as it is all very general, but it may be said that the 'belief' that it will work, coupled with the emotional charge from constant recitation may bring about change. The key to remember is you are that which you seek, so simply 'be', and you will find the 'external' will be brought into alignment to vibrate in tandem and to reinforce with that which you now are. Most folk simply use such 'props' to give themselves an excuse to believe/accept/not resist based on their belief system, which in turn brings about/reinforces that thing (E.g. The religious artefacts 'required' for Ra contact). Nothing wrong with that in itself, though understanding that props are just that can assist in understanding the underlying mechanics of 3D projection/manifestation.
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