08-17-2013, 06:26 PM
(08-17-2013, 06:16 PM)rie Wrote: I think belief structures are 'imbedded' in one's personal unconscious, which is built & maintained based on one's life experience. So if one were to 'plan' the sort of life lessons to be learned (choosiing parents, family, etc) prior to incarnation, it's possible that we incarnate to take/accept certain belief structures.
I think this right/left brain personality could be more closely related to Jungian typology e.g., being INFP etc. One could say having NF (intuitive feeling) as the primary function, they would seem more 'right brain' compared to those who are ST (sensing thinking), who would more closely resemble 'left brain'. There's also P perception and J judgment which could point to being 'right' and 'left', respectively.
Brain laterization: if you're left handed, you're most likely using a lot of the right hemisphere, while if you are right handed most of your activities lies in the left hemisphere. That's one way to understand dominance. That doesn't really correlate to personality tho.
Here's a simple hemispheric test that measures how information is processed according to the characteristics that we attribute to 'right' and 'left' brain. The test is simple bc it gives you 2 options and you can guess which one points to 'right' or 'left' characteristics so it's not really a good test but the idea is that there are divergent ways of being. And of course, we use both sides, always or else you would have major cognitive problems (if you're just using one side). If your corpus collasum (the bridge between the left and right hemisphere of the brain) is 'thick' you're probably able to use both sides more equally.
I have right brain dominance according to this test.
Holistic Processing information from whole to part; sees the big picture first, not the details.
Random Processing information with out priority, jumps form one task to another.
Concrete Processes things that can be seen , or touched - real objects.
Intuitive Processes information based on whether or not it feels right know answer but not sure how it was derived.
Nonverbal Processes thought as illustrations.
Fantasy-Oriented Processes information with creativity; less focuses on rules and regulations
My results were exactly the same in that test lol
I got 15 questions related to right brain dominence and 4 to left