02-16-2009, 10:24 PM
Quote of Horizon----
Warmest Greetings to you
You are correct about Tesla. What he discovered in his workings was Scalar Wave Technology. Einstein was much the same way. When he saw what the 3D- did with his knowledge, he destroyed his library. Especially much of his Quantum Energy and Unified Field Theories. His works confirmed my beliefs in the expansion and contraction of the universe, and the living energy in time/space space/time.. There is so much wonderful info that is suppressed by the Orions and such. I know my idea is childs' play in comparison to those great minds, but I wanted to offer it nonetheless.
As far as wishes and healing goes for me, I have begun to meditate and share my thoughts with the 'Universal Soul' so to speak. I see all the souls on this world and others as one collective spirit
Presently I am reading up on healing stones, and I pray to recieve a few to use for healing all that surrounds me. I am very much interested in becoming a Shaman, so to speak. In my nightly meditations, I send soft shockwaves of healing energy into, and around Gaia, and to those which need it.
Much Love and Light to you FairyFarmgirl
end quote
Contact the Fairy devas of the mineral kingdom... They will lead you to the crystals and stones you resonate with.... Simply go to an area around you that has at least 3 trees and ask... aloud in plain and simple language with an attitude of gratitude and they will show the way pull out a couple of hairs or offer your saliva if you lack hair as an offering of your universal code... this will show them that you are serious in your offer. Some traditions use all kinds of offering tools... since I am a plain fairy I prefer to use what I have on me and not bother with taking this and that out into the woods... (Tobacco is great if some is growing nearby when (harvesting it do with reverence this is a powerful teacher) but to go out and buy it from a store is counter productive to being in harmony with the Earth Mother and all of her aspects. The mineral kingdom being the most sentient of all of Mother Earth's outer aspects.)
Then just follow the subtle language of the universe... the sounds of the birds a sudden gullumping of a bullfrog... the scent of a flora... follow the sparkling joy in the air and you will see a stone that is meant for you as you look down at your feet... After picking up any stone leave another offering of hair or saliva in its place and thank the Earth and the Stone for their giveaway.
This sacred practice places you in harmony with all that is and with yourSelf.
(... Mind you not to be like the guy that drowns in the proverbial joke because the "signs" are not what is "expected." )
In Heart---
Warmest Greetings to you

You are correct about Tesla. What he discovered in his workings was Scalar Wave Technology. Einstein was much the same way. When he saw what the 3D- did with his knowledge, he destroyed his library. Especially much of his Quantum Energy and Unified Field Theories. His works confirmed my beliefs in the expansion and contraction of the universe, and the living energy in time/space space/time.. There is so much wonderful info that is suppressed by the Orions and such. I know my idea is childs' play in comparison to those great minds, but I wanted to offer it nonetheless.

As far as wishes and healing goes for me, I have begun to meditate and share my thoughts with the 'Universal Soul' so to speak. I see all the souls on this world and others as one collective spirit

Presently I am reading up on healing stones, and I pray to recieve a few to use for healing all that surrounds me. I am very much interested in becoming a Shaman, so to speak. In my nightly meditations, I send soft shockwaves of healing energy into, and around Gaia, and to those which need it.
Much Love and Light to you FairyFarmgirl
end quote
Contact the Fairy devas of the mineral kingdom... They will lead you to the crystals and stones you resonate with.... Simply go to an area around you that has at least 3 trees and ask... aloud in plain and simple language with an attitude of gratitude and they will show the way pull out a couple of hairs or offer your saliva if you lack hair as an offering of your universal code... this will show them that you are serious in your offer. Some traditions use all kinds of offering tools... since I am a plain fairy I prefer to use what I have on me and not bother with taking this and that out into the woods... (Tobacco is great if some is growing nearby when (harvesting it do with reverence this is a powerful teacher) but to go out and buy it from a store is counter productive to being in harmony with the Earth Mother and all of her aspects. The mineral kingdom being the most sentient of all of Mother Earth's outer aspects.)
Then just follow the subtle language of the universe... the sounds of the birds a sudden gullumping of a bullfrog... the scent of a flora... follow the sparkling joy in the air and you will see a stone that is meant for you as you look down at your feet... After picking up any stone leave another offering of hair or saliva in its place and thank the Earth and the Stone for their giveaway.
This sacred practice places you in harmony with all that is and with yourSelf.
(... Mind you not to be like the guy that drowns in the proverbial joke because the "signs" are not what is "expected." )
In Heart---