08-03-2013, 07:34 PM
(08-03-2013, 06:08 PM)Tanner Wrote: Oh, I found this site with some interesting ideas on egregores.
Quote:It is increasingly apparent to those outside the group that any member of it is being influenced to some degree by the pressure of the collective thinking of all linked with it, and unless care is taken , the power of independent thought may be reduced. For many people this is something they actually seek, they may feel inadequate in the everyday world and feel that by being linked in this way, they are protected from against what they see as aggressive tendencies from other people. Or again, they may feel inadequate to deal with new ideas and situations and feel that the Group mind will do their thinking for them, and they will not be in danger of wrong thinking.
Very, very interesting. I have perceived this as well (again I must point out I noticed it BEFORE I was introduced to the concept of an egregore).
Perhaps this discussion deserves a thread to it's own, but are we going to continue to ignore this or are we actually going to try to 'tame' this so called 'ego ogre'?