08-02-2013, 07:55 PM
How long has it been since the forum (not the physical people but the people on the forum) held a coming together for the purpose of love for nothing but love.
"For X time of Y dates focus on reinforcing forum B4 with the purpose of loving best possible outcome for all participants." and then focus on lovingly being present in the energies of the forum and allowing the self to be used as an instrument to balance the total forum.
How about 10-20 active posters decide for 2-4 days together to remain present in the forum but only in energy and only intentionally towards love to the exclusion of all else and then resume at preferred intervals. See what happens. That or we let this show continue as it is, I Think the probable outomes are a collective showing of force/definition/boundaries followed by several months of people pondering the results of the last conflict and rinse-repeat followed by gradual increase of love/light as lessons are learned. That or we dont focus this forum on learning lessons but being the down area where we come to relax off from the lessons of the physical world. But it depends greatly on how we want to approach this forum.
Is this the place we come back to after a tiring day in the physical / other worlds of magic and where we come to bask in each others humanity while we study this bizzare totality of being. OR do we come here to study this bizzare totality of being while going out there to bask in the humanity.
I suppose these two could be called to be always fighting. BUt then again, its a familiar sound that approachet, this sound of finding the odd man out, the ego's hunt for the ego that causes it the harm. The ogre looking for the reason everyone runs away.
How fitting.
"For X time of Y dates focus on reinforcing forum B4 with the purpose of loving best possible outcome for all participants." and then focus on lovingly being present in the energies of the forum and allowing the self to be used as an instrument to balance the total forum.
How about 10-20 active posters decide for 2-4 days together to remain present in the forum but only in energy and only intentionally towards love to the exclusion of all else and then resume at preferred intervals. See what happens. That or we let this show continue as it is, I Think the probable outomes are a collective showing of force/definition/boundaries followed by several months of people pondering the results of the last conflict and rinse-repeat followed by gradual increase of love/light as lessons are learned. That or we dont focus this forum on learning lessons but being the down area where we come to relax off from the lessons of the physical world. But it depends greatly on how we want to approach this forum.
Is this the place we come back to after a tiring day in the physical / other worlds of magic and where we come to bask in each others humanity while we study this bizzare totality of being. OR do we come here to study this bizzare totality of being while going out there to bask in the humanity.
I suppose these two could be called to be always fighting. BUt then again, its a familiar sound that approachet, this sound of finding the odd man out, the ego's hunt for the ego that causes it the harm. The ogre looking for the reason everyone runs away.
How fitting.