08-02-2013, 07:38 PM
(08-02-2013, 09:39 AM)Tanner Wrote: Also, when I say it has noticed attention upon it, I mean it has been stimulated. It appears the egregore is related to the collective of this forum, and is related to the pursuit of the following of the way of the Law of One. There are two ways in which this egregore is stimulated, which is by the choice of each path.
It is strange, as when there is conflict in the minds of the forum the aspect of the egregore is stimulated and oriented a different way. When the energy most dominantly being chosen by the members of this collective wavers between the concept of STS and STO there results an instability in the egregore's communication between members, acting as a sort of "channeling" system, like waterways, for the group in regards the collective interaction between individual and collective.
Many egregores can be either positive or negative but this one seems to be built in such a way that it is reactive to "collective harmony" so when there is dissonance between minds this causes distortion in the egregore or collective entity which then changes the "choices" of energy which are moving through it.
This is somewhat... troubling to me; certainly though provoking. I have had this concept of founding a 3rd density social memory complex on this forums for quite some time, but don't recall actually voicing it since I have had trouble framing the concept in a discernable fashion. I have, however, been empowering it frequently with my will, thinking it is such a good idea.
I have completely independently noticed the same thing described here. When there is what I like to think of as 'friction' between members, I sense varying disharmony of all members 'invested' in these forums. This doesn't necessarily make me feel drained, but I clearly perceive discordant energies when I think of the forums. Conversely, I have noticed times of great harmony where everyone seems 'extra harmonious'.
Actually, in my mind, the forums have really become an entity all to itself. Some members which seem to have made a connection similar to mine seem to be affected by the overall harmony/disharmony of the forums. When a forum member brings up a certain topic which strikes a certain chord with the forums, the concept bleeds through to unrelated topics and sometimes becomes a permanent part of the forum's collective consciousness...
Really, the more I am articulating this, the more it seems like we are unwittingly creating a social memory complex. Isn't that a similar concept to the 'egregore' everyone keeps referring to?
Furthermore, shouldn't we either back off and dismantle this SMC/'egregore' OR go all in and embrace it, and fine tune it? To make a terrible cliché, should we go all in or fold?