08-02-2013, 09:39 AM
Also, when I say it has noticed attention upon it, I mean it has been stimulated. It appears the egregore is related to the collective of this forum, and is related to the pursuit of the following of the way of the Law of One. There are two ways in which this egregore is stimulated, which is by the choice of each path.
It is strange, as when there is conflict in the minds of the forum the aspect of the egregore is stimulated and oriented a different way. When the energy most dominantly being chosen by the members of this collective wavers between the concept of STS and STO there results an instability in the egregore's communication between members, acting as a sort of "channeling" system, like waterways, for the group in regards the collective interaction between individual and collective.
Many egregores can be either positive or negative but this one seems to be built in such a way that it is reactive to "collective harmony" so when there is dissonance between minds this causes distortion in the egregore or collective entity which then changes the "choices" of energy which are moving through it.
When one is at peace and grounded and awake, then the egregore will be "silent" because it will not have any separative energy which is moving through it and causing distorted feedback, however it remains ever present.
The key is to realize its spread of the collective intention.
Also, to AdonaiOne, I just wanted to specify that I have no qualms with you, and while our philosophies are certainly different that is not an unusual occurence to me so I see no reason to take such a thing personally. My objective with this thread was not in any way to suggest anything about anyone, but just expressing the experience on my side of the collective harmony. That it appears dissonant certainly suggest dissonance within myself, however that is an honest experience for me and that is all I wished to share.
I thank everyone who has offered kind words and caring and advice to me. Some may find it strange that I stay despite what I have said about my state. I care, though, and I know that caring means something. I care because I love. Love is not indifferent about things even if it is accepting, it is caring and compassionate. Love devoid of compassion and caring is pure lustful desire, not even really love, but that word is applied to everything so many people say that anything and everything is love, without at any point defining what that love is.
Love isn't passive awareness, it is focus, it is direction, it is order. Love is something which is emergent, which lives potentiated in everything but needs to be made kinetic through action.
There is most certainly the existence of unloving actions. How could there not be, when infinity includes all levels of the spectrum? There is certainly the choice of where one places their love. One may love themselves so thoroughly, but be thoroughly unloving to others. Some are so unloving to themselves yet feed love endlessly to others.
It is naive to believe one is incapable of being unloving and is a deep delusion of the self. In fact, the awareness that one, being limitless in choice, can choose love as opposed to a lack of love is, I think is one of the things which defines love. The choice to focus upon love, which is the focus of awareness, is a great choice. Focus is something that comes from free will, so it is always chosen.
Everyone is always loving something, and a heart "closed" is really just a heart keeping all its love to itself. Eventually such a heart will become so compact that it will implode and collapse upon itself and when that happens it will be found that the heart becomes inverted by choice due to the fact of its own entropy of self.
However, this requires an entrance in to positive time/space and the living out of lives and incarnations to "do the work" of switching one's polarity. It all happens in a moment for the monad, the being that we ultimately are, but that moment is, for us, a lifetime or more.
P.S. tl;dr My point is that I stay because I desire to choose loving actions and I see that I am able to choose those actions here, and I see that there are others who desire to experience my choice to engage in loving actions, so despite any dissonance of feeling, it is here that I am able to be of greatest service and I answer that call by choice.
It is strange, as when there is conflict in the minds of the forum the aspect of the egregore is stimulated and oriented a different way. When the energy most dominantly being chosen by the members of this collective wavers between the concept of STS and STO there results an instability in the egregore's communication between members, acting as a sort of "channeling" system, like waterways, for the group in regards the collective interaction between individual and collective.
Many egregores can be either positive or negative but this one seems to be built in such a way that it is reactive to "collective harmony" so when there is dissonance between minds this causes distortion in the egregore or collective entity which then changes the "choices" of energy which are moving through it.
When one is at peace and grounded and awake, then the egregore will be "silent" because it will not have any separative energy which is moving through it and causing distorted feedback, however it remains ever present.
The key is to realize its spread of the collective intention.
Also, to AdonaiOne, I just wanted to specify that I have no qualms with you, and while our philosophies are certainly different that is not an unusual occurence to me so I see no reason to take such a thing personally. My objective with this thread was not in any way to suggest anything about anyone, but just expressing the experience on my side of the collective harmony. That it appears dissonant certainly suggest dissonance within myself, however that is an honest experience for me and that is all I wished to share.
I thank everyone who has offered kind words and caring and advice to me. Some may find it strange that I stay despite what I have said about my state. I care, though, and I know that caring means something. I care because I love. Love is not indifferent about things even if it is accepting, it is caring and compassionate. Love devoid of compassion and caring is pure lustful desire, not even really love, but that word is applied to everything so many people say that anything and everything is love, without at any point defining what that love is.
Love isn't passive awareness, it is focus, it is direction, it is order. Love is something which is emergent, which lives potentiated in everything but needs to be made kinetic through action.
There is most certainly the existence of unloving actions. How could there not be, when infinity includes all levels of the spectrum? There is certainly the choice of where one places their love. One may love themselves so thoroughly, but be thoroughly unloving to others. Some are so unloving to themselves yet feed love endlessly to others.
It is naive to believe one is incapable of being unloving and is a deep delusion of the self. In fact, the awareness that one, being limitless in choice, can choose love as opposed to a lack of love is, I think is one of the things which defines love. The choice to focus upon love, which is the focus of awareness, is a great choice. Focus is something that comes from free will, so it is always chosen.
Everyone is always loving something, and a heart "closed" is really just a heart keeping all its love to itself. Eventually such a heart will become so compact that it will implode and collapse upon itself and when that happens it will be found that the heart becomes inverted by choice due to the fact of its own entropy of self.
However, this requires an entrance in to positive time/space and the living out of lives and incarnations to "do the work" of switching one's polarity. It all happens in a moment for the monad, the being that we ultimately are, but that moment is, for us, a lifetime or more.
P.S. tl;dr My point is that I stay because I desire to choose loving actions and I see that I am able to choose those actions here, and I see that there are others who desire to experience my choice to engage in loving actions, so despite any dissonance of feeling, it is here that I am able to be of greatest service and I answer that call by choice.