08-01-2013, 02:43 PM
(07-31-2013, 11:28 PM)godwide_void Wrote: However, I still remain unsatisfied with my personal level of spiritual development and power, and thus I find it necessary to restrain myself from engaging any further in discourse upon subjects of this nature until I have acquired a more engulfing body of reference and knowledge to share. For despite what I have managed to accomplish and come into awareness of, I know that there lies much more beyond the horizon, although it is surprising to consider what has been achieved via a third eye which is not at its peak condition, and apart from the "real life" reasons for my hiatus, one of my personal motivations for my silence remains to achieve maximum empowerment and growth in order to relay to others what methods and means I have found most effective for spiritual evolution.
Unless my contributions are of great benefit to others, I do not find my participation necessary. I am not content merely providing speculation and theories. I seek to generate a step-by-step tutorial detailing transcendence from a mastered perspective, not the articulations of a novice; despite the spiritual experiences I've had, the abilities I have unlocked and the esoteric knowledge I have come to possess at such a young age, I still recognize that there is a vast gulf which still needs to be traversed before I may properly teach and thus refrain from arrogantly placing myself on a pedestal even if others would do so. It confuses me when some regard themselves as "spiritual masters" even though internally it is quite the contrary. I am merely biding my time for now.
I would caution you if you have not already considered it: once you attain a certain 'level', you may realize it inappropriate to help others reach your level due to trying to 'rush' them along their own path.
I have struggled with this concept because I have always been the 'open book' type of person, trying to share anything and everything I learn that could be helpful. Of course, when I discovered spirituality, it was by far the most helpful information I have learned, yet I can't share too much of it due to others free will to wake up when they choose.
Actually, I'm sure you have considered this at some level. I just wonder how many would actually take advantage of your "Master Shamanism for Dummies" guide. I certainly would, but that is just my nature... I just inhale all information that resonates with me.