07-31-2013, 01:49 PM
We do not have free will in the traditional sense you describe when applying to the game board Earth. You (Ego identifying self), experience the idea of Free Will through parameters programming ones circumstantial role, environmental conditioning/belief imprinting, and various influences such as the impulses and longings of the animalistic chemical body in a manner which may ultimately serve the intentions of the true inner Divine Self (Not Ego). In other words, the Artificial Mask which acts as an interface between the unconscious and 'external' 3D can only be conscious of choices within a certain 'spectrum of belief', or quite simply that which the Belief Box allows for.
You might say a crude analogy is akin to being a rat in a maze you designed for yourself, then chose to 'forget' all about it. You have free will to move forward in the maze, but it is a probable 'calculated' move by the true Self in the sense that where else would you have moved to? Yes, when applied to the larger aspect of the true divine Self, it might be said there is free will in choosing to phase in at this nexus of experience, among the other parts of yourself experiencing other ideas simultaneously, but even this is within the paradigm/spectrum/parameters of the 'Original Thought' (Of which there is not one, but an Infinite number). On a Earth level, you have the free will to do everything you can Imagine, but that imagination is bound by your belief and/or what is available as a resource to the Conscious Mind (Of which there are various 'sources' as mentioned).
We are always being influenced, constantly receiving promptings from ones Guidance System, and so while many who find themselves here on Bring4th might consider themselves 'awakened' (in a sense) and done so out of free will, it was also a high degree of probability that this was to occur. We are actors on a stage, and we have free will to move about on the scene, but the scene is dictated by the grander aspect of your Self with a higher agenda. So, you may take from this your free will is dictated by a deeper aspect of your true Self through free will! At least, this is so until one can move out of Ego identifying monkey mode and rather allow and identify with Spirit to take the driving seat consciously, rather than primarily from the Ego (Which is only doing it's job anyhow).
You might say a crude analogy is akin to being a rat in a maze you designed for yourself, then chose to 'forget' all about it. You have free will to move forward in the maze, but it is a probable 'calculated' move by the true Self in the sense that where else would you have moved to? Yes, when applied to the larger aspect of the true divine Self, it might be said there is free will in choosing to phase in at this nexus of experience, among the other parts of yourself experiencing other ideas simultaneously, but even this is within the paradigm/spectrum/parameters of the 'Original Thought' (Of which there is not one, but an Infinite number). On a Earth level, you have the free will to do everything you can Imagine, but that imagination is bound by your belief and/or what is available as a resource to the Conscious Mind (Of which there are various 'sources' as mentioned).
We are always being influenced, constantly receiving promptings from ones Guidance System, and so while many who find themselves here on Bring4th might consider themselves 'awakened' (in a sense) and done so out of free will, it was also a high degree of probability that this was to occur. We are actors on a stage, and we have free will to move about on the scene, but the scene is dictated by the grander aspect of your Self with a higher agenda. So, you may take from this your free will is dictated by a deeper aspect of your true Self through free will! At least, this is so until one can move out of Ego identifying monkey mode and rather allow and identify with Spirit to take the driving seat consciously, rather than primarily from the Ego (Which is only doing it's job anyhow).