07-29-2013, 05:34 PM
(07-29-2013, 04:39 AM)Adonai One Wrote: It applies to the unconcious mind as well. If deep inside you wanted something, whether it be death, an alien abduction or have a great fear that you are certain will manifest -- do not be surprised if the universe acts in your favor.
This is obvious to many of you but the implications of this are not entirely clear if one does not see the mechanics of the universal mind.
The cunning sorcerer can peer deep into the unconcious of any unwitting suspect and capitalize on any deep-set fears and holes in your freewill that you may have. If your intention is set on being harmed albeit indirectly, do not be surprised if it happens to you in one swift motion.
The mind does create reality but not in a magical way... Just contemplate and compare a computer to the universe one of these days. It will begin to make a lot more sense. Most people program the universal computer with a higher-level language, working with the produced material itself. The sorcerer works with the source code directly in its various levels.
Free will is an interesting concept. To have absolute free will, you have to have an equal possibility of making all choices. This presumes a lack of prior conditioning. Contemplate the point of unpotentiated intelligent infinity.
And in that circumstance, one choice being no better than another choice, does the free will make a difference? Given our present conditioning, and the long path of incarnate and discarnate experience that resulted in it, how much free will do we really have?
You don't have to answer, I just want you to ponder it. It's quite interesting, and illuminating.