03-27-2010, 11:42 PM
(03-27-2010, 09:33 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Christian Universalist is very different from UU - it's totally 100% Bible-based.
Hey Monica,
Just curious, how do CU's handle the parts of the bible that DO talk about hell, eternal damnation, etc? I ask because I had a friend at work who left to join a seminary. He was very, very bible based. It was the core of his spirituality and interpreted it literally. As such, no level of logic or philosophy that I attempted to impart upon him when we would talk shop (talk about religion basically) would make any imprint because regardless of what I would say, I would be 'proven wrong' by the bible. I presume CU's do not hole the bible as 100% literally true, even though they are 100% bible based?