07-18-2013, 10:56 AM
Keep I'm mind I'm not differentiating between positive and negative adepts, I'm differenting between all known users of any known (by me) form of magic I have ever come across anywhere and their differentiation from non magical people and the only exact strict separations I have seen.
I try to define groups a tad bit unorthodoxically when it comes to ethical questions such as "what is an adept".
So, an adept is anyone who is capable of looking at another person and thinking and believing "that thing there is a "co-creator"".
I would say most 3.75< entities seem to be partially or completely adept, only a few seem non adept and those seem more to be adepts desiring to appear non adept and thus defending actively than non adepts who have no concept of higher things and who have no direct capability to defend themselves.
However, that is only based on my observations and theories. Therefore I would say that in the broadest sense. "adept" is the person who looks at another and feels that "click" in their mind of knowing that the another that they look at is sentient and as "capable of creating" as the self is.
In a way, one might say that "adept" is someone has a balanced and healthy sense of self in relation to their environment in relation to their power (which is infinite if time is also infinite.)
One might say, in a poetic way, that an adept is someone who recognizes that the universe is infinite in all directions and from that infinity arises objects that move. If these objects move in unpredictable ways, or to put it on another way, ways you can not fully control but that appear to have a element of non randomness to them, they are of "Co-Creator".
As the level of awareness of the self and the surrounding increases the co-creator is seen as not only the other self that is viewed as the person who operates or the plant that grows, but the co-creator is seen as everything everywhere, as one individual co-creator which shines through everything, in the form of all of its many children, with the faces you see as the objects in your world.
Eventually only thing besides you and the co-creator is the other children studying this co-creator.
In there lies stuff like well. Lets not go quite that deep into the rabbit hole yet .
Anyway. Poetic fancies aside;
The Co-Creator is any aspect that you consciously view as aware, just as you are aware and capable of doing everything you are capable of doing, and you are capable of doing anything imaginable with time.
Depending on level of adepthood, it ranges from the basic realisation "Hello user (can't name anyone because I've been warned about naming random people when I write example posts.) You are also a co-creator and capable of doing everything." to the banal. "Hello Banana, may you be nutritious to me and make my stomach feel jummy!" to the useful. "Oi, co-creator git. I want a good song that is happy for my next song on my random playlist I just played to by random. Cus I feel like it." to which the co-creator can, depending on your adepthood and ray's used and the balance you have with your shadow self, start to play anything it wants on your playlist, or not.
In the end these powers will extend to far above and beyond anything imaginable as Godlike. "Godlike" is a level of adept-hood that is reached very quickly indeed. What is important afterwards is not the power you have but rather;
I try to define groups a tad bit unorthodoxically when it comes to ethical questions such as "what is an adept".
So, an adept is anyone who is capable of looking at another person and thinking and believing "that thing there is a "co-creator"".
I would say most 3.75< entities seem to be partially or completely adept, only a few seem non adept and those seem more to be adepts desiring to appear non adept and thus defending actively than non adepts who have no concept of higher things and who have no direct capability to defend themselves.
However, that is only based on my observations and theories. Therefore I would say that in the broadest sense. "adept" is the person who looks at another and feels that "click" in their mind of knowing that the another that they look at is sentient and as "capable of creating" as the self is.
In a way, one might say that "adept" is someone has a balanced and healthy sense of self in relation to their environment in relation to their power (which is infinite if time is also infinite.)
One might say, in a poetic way, that an adept is someone who recognizes that the universe is infinite in all directions and from that infinity arises objects that move. If these objects move in unpredictable ways, or to put it on another way, ways you can not fully control but that appear to have a element of non randomness to them, they are of "Co-Creator".
As the level of awareness of the self and the surrounding increases the co-creator is seen as not only the other self that is viewed as the person who operates or the plant that grows, but the co-creator is seen as everything everywhere, as one individual co-creator which shines through everything, in the form of all of its many children, with the faces you see as the objects in your world.
Eventually only thing besides you and the co-creator is the other children studying this co-creator.
In there lies stuff like well. Lets not go quite that deep into the rabbit hole yet .
Anyway. Poetic fancies aside;
The Co-Creator is any aspect that you consciously view as aware, just as you are aware and capable of doing everything you are capable of doing, and you are capable of doing anything imaginable with time.
Depending on level of adepthood, it ranges from the basic realisation "Hello user (can't name anyone because I've been warned about naming random people when I write example posts.) You are also a co-creator and capable of doing everything." to the banal. "Hello Banana, may you be nutritious to me and make my stomach feel jummy!" to the useful. "Oi, co-creator git. I want a good song that is happy for my next song on my random playlist I just played to by random. Cus I feel like it." to which the co-creator can, depending on your adepthood and ray's used and the balance you have with your shadow self, start to play anything it wants on your playlist, or not.
In the end these powers will extend to far above and beyond anything imaginable as Godlike. "Godlike" is a level of adept-hood that is reached very quickly indeed. What is important afterwards is not the power you have but rather;