07-13-2013, 12:53 PM
(07-13-2013, 10:53 AM)Icaro Wrote: It's useful, but I feel it eventually has to be transcended. Regular use slows the brain, affects dreaming, and is a form of attachment. I've often heard of people who stop smoking admit that there was a certain type of addiction present that they weren't willing to acknowledge when using it. I'm one of them. I would go days without it but that doesn't mean I didn't want it. This concert would be much better if we were high, this movie would be better if we were high, the night wasn't as fun because we didn't have anything to smoke. There's always that aspect of how the moment could be better, yet that isn't living in the moment. It's attachment to a substance and the body is in control of you.
According to the material, the instreamings affecting this planet right now involve balancing the use of the body with detachment. I was a social drinker like everyone else that got drunk on the weekends, but realized that it was no longer useful, and just damaging my body. I wasn't following through and had the large board applied to my forehead. I got the message and stopped altogether. There was a surge in consciousness that followed. And when I stumbled, catalyst acted instantly.
You contact intelligent infinity through the body. Properly using the body in relation to yourself and others will transmute consciousness. It's a translation of the mental into the physical. The green ray sphere is formed, and the particles rotate (move) in a certain manner. By moving your body in harmony with the energies (catalyst) around you, you're creating a resonance and aligning with that vibration. That allows transformation to take place. Channeling intelligent infinity.
I'll go months and months without it, but still desire it. I've never had regular access to it though. So am I addicted? Or do I just desire to thoroughly explore the catalyst available to me through it...