07-09-2013, 03:51 AM
It's all of those things and more hehe. How and why pot is used is probably as varied as those who use it. My initial experience with it was heavenly. It opened my mind and made me see myself and the universe consciously really for the first time. It really de-programmed the limiting view I had of reality. It woke me up really.
However I soon grew a tolerance and the highs stopped being so amazing. Then I got into a long stage of smoking it far to much. My intent turned from discovery to stagnation as I started realizing I was just chasing that body high as much as I tried to convince myself otherwise that the floaty body feeling was discovery. It made me feel good even in times when I really shouldn't have, it was a way to hide from myself and the problems I knew I needed to address.
I remember reading this from Ra and realizing my misuse of MJ at the core was because of an indigo ray blockage.
So I try to limit myself to one or two nights a week, that way I still get an enjoyable experience that allows me to discover more and a way to relax and unwind on the weekend.
It's still an issue as I find myself thinking about buying more then once or twice a week constantly and in particular the last weeks I have smoked almost everyday because of boredom.
Obviously it's still a catalyst for me to deal with but I don't think whatever I need to realize or do or feel will take much longer to happen.
However I soon grew a tolerance and the highs stopped being so amazing. Then I got into a long stage of smoking it far to much. My intent turned from discovery to stagnation as I started realizing I was just chasing that body high as much as I tried to convince myself otherwise that the floaty body feeling was discovery. It made me feel good even in times when I really shouldn't have, it was a way to hide from myself and the problems I knew I needed to address.
I remember reading this from Ra and realizing my misuse of MJ at the core was because of an indigo ray blockage.
Quote:Questioner: Could Ra recommend work appropriate for removing indigo-ray blockage?
Ra: I am Ra. We cannot recommend for the general situation for in each case the distortional vortex is unique. In this particular nexus, the more appropriate working is in the mental and mental/emotional powers of analysis and observation. When the strongest and least distorted complex is set in support, then the less strong portions of the complex shall be strengthened. This entity has long worked with this catalyst. However, this is the first occasion wherein the drugs to dull the pain that sharpens the catalyst have been refused.
So I try to limit myself to one or two nights a week, that way I still get an enjoyable experience that allows me to discover more and a way to relax and unwind on the weekend.
It's still an issue as I find myself thinking about buying more then once or twice a week constantly and in particular the last weeks I have smoked almost everyday because of boredom.
Obviously it's still a catalyst for me to deal with but I don't think whatever I need to realize or do or feel will take much longer to happen.