07-07-2013, 07:01 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 07:08 PM by Adonai One.)
(07-07-2013, 05:44 PM)TheEternal Wrote: /sigh
I lost the reply I had been writing, frustrating because I was in the zone ahaha
Perhaps I will approach more simply. Have you heard of Jacob's Ladder?
On a ladder, no rung is any more important than any other, yet there is still no less the movement from one state to the next and back. What is key to realize is that unity does not mean SAMENESS. Just because all states are unified doesn't mean they are in any way the same, nor that they are all easily accessible.
Higher and lower can be interpreted in a way that is without the judgement of better or worse, of superior and inferior. Do we pit mud against water, telling the water it is incomplete because it lacks unity with dirt, or telling the mud that it is impure?
Yes, for the concepts of higher and lower are within the unity. They are not transcended but I still hold them as another part of the illusion which is reality.
However, ease-of-access is all that defines what we consider "divine." It's a far-reaching goal all until we get there. This does not impress me. It does not make reality all the more different for me than what is in front of me.
While things may change, they still remain the same.
Yes, even the concepts of seperation are within unity. This I agree with.
(07-07-2013, 05:44 PM)TheEternal Wrote: Yet, there are are plants and creatures which grow in both mud and water, life exists in both. However, could life have evolved to where it is if there was only mud? Water offers a service to a wider circle of consciousness through its moisturizing efforts.Scientifically, yes. We've all risen from primordial oozes and muds. The Ra Material at least does not say that we were shaped by directly conciousess hand. We rose from chaos. I fail to see the argument here. You seem to arguing for some divinity but all played a part.
(07-07-2013, 05:44 PM)TheEternal Wrote: I do not mean to suggest a doctrine of purity or any such thing, but simply express functionality of states. It is not functional just in terms of ways it may be used and ways it uses itself, but I also express function geometrically or like a puzzle piece, or part in the body.However, the divinity we apply to higher awareness is abstractly contrived. Higher awareness is of equal value to lower awareness.
I also speak of refinement which is an existent reality, and is the core of the endeavour of the alchemist. The realization that all states are equal in terms of being states, but all states are not all equal in terms of awareness.
(07-07-2013, 05:44 PM)TheEternal Wrote: Yes, a state is a state is a state, and the universe will not discriminate whatever state you wish to distort yourself in to as Ra might put it. However, that in no way means that every state will yield the same awareness of experience, nor that every state is immediately available to everyone, this is process.But is not the value of experience subjective? Is not experience dependent on the perception of the individual? Is any percieved divinity or exaltation only a function of an individual's perspective? Does a hotdog taste the same to all people?
Yes, each state may not be available to all people but that does not mean it is neccessarily divine to all.
(07-07-2013, 05:44 PM)TheEternal Wrote: If there was no progress to be made, then there would be no process. Yes, 'everything is here', but there is still very much the work and endeavour of observing and experiencing all that is here and that is a process. So, while there is no comparison in terms of better or worse, a person is capable and allowed to increase their vibration through geometric reconfiguration of the field or 'crystallization' thereby allowing a greater harmonic to occur in the field and thus arises a higher vibratory spectrum of awareness to be explored. Those who do not work to harmonize their field will experience no new states of consciousness and will instead continue in the same state they have been in.The progress will be made regardless if its made clear to the individual or not. That is the nature of this reality. This is nothing intrinsic about progress unless such is value. Value is of the beholder.
It is impossible not to imbalance and then further balance yourself in this reality. It may be made slower or faster but it will be done nonetheless. Any value placed on this speed is abstractly contrived, subjective.
(07-07-2013, 05:44 PM)TheEternal Wrote: This is samsara, the cycle of darkness and the entrapment of incarnation, for incarnation and physical experience is a state itself, and so there is the natural assumption that this state may be processed and progressed out of in to a new state.Fully agreed. Idealism has its place for those who value it. I choose existentialism and choose to see value in the raw, illusionary experience.
I acknowledge and accept the reality which you perceived and your description of it, it is perfectly valid. However, I would only make addition by adding more possibilities of reality to thus "flesh out" infinity by expressing my own perspective. Two minds are better than one when it comes to gaining perspective, no?
I suggest you compare philosophers such as Hegel to my favorites such as Nietszche and Stirner. This will quantify this debate. Really they are both sides to the same coin. My side is a tad bit darker, haha.
They may be analogous to the polarities.
(07-07-2013, 05:44 PM)TheEternal Wrote: Also, I strive for a state which includes all, so perhaps that is what I see as a virtuous state but really I see virtues as being a product of the process and progression in to higher vibratory awareness. There are virtues deemed so by each polarity and so each may gain as thus, but it does seem that there is a compassion by which unity is innately informed and so I seek compassionate states.That all is inherently perfect as it stands. I hope to invoke that the moment is glamorous and need not be overcome but accompanied by the same infinite conception that brought it here in the first place.
The void is void of itself. There is no nothing, so to say there is nothing which one may progress in to is to discount everything. To say the divine is in all things and yet does not exist is a doctrine of nothingness, yet, there is no nothingness because there is no nothing. Nothing however, still exists, because it is an idea, yet what is the idea behind nothingness?
I don't believe in virtue for all is virtuous.
(07-07-2013, 05:44 PM)TheEternal Wrote: Nothing here means something different depending on the state of 'here'. Yet, even if you experienced a state of nothingness, or went in to nothingness, how would you know? There would be nothing to suggest the experience had even happened, no reflection upon the self and so it would be as if no such thing had ever occured, it would not produce any change.There is no true nothing so if we to delve into nothing we would be right where we stand. Nothing would happen. Delving into nothingness is the same as delving into infinity.
This is why I do not view anything in terms of being nothing, because there is nothing in nothing, so nothing is nothing. So, I prefer to bring my attention to the fact that there IS something, and that something is infinite and I, at this point, and any other, have only some degree or ratio of awareness of this something. In time, and with effort, perhaps I will realize the 360 degrees of this circle and move on to the next circle with its own degrees of awareness and freedom, this is what I call process, and process is what I am and what we all are.
I believe that all exploration has been done, is done and will be done. So I do not place any evolution over my current state.
Thy will shall be done, regardless.
I hope this adequately explains some things.