07-01-2013, 02:44 PM
Interesting, thanks for sharing. I must admit I had never heard of Mercury Retrograde before watching Teal Scott's video on the subject. Although I do believe in the power of the macrocosm over us (to a certain extent), I don't usually look at the stars for answer, preferring to find solutions right here right now to the issues that I face. Later on, sometimes, I become aware of celestial happenings and can make links with difficult, very good or crazy periods in my life.
Currently, I would say this event coincides with the busiest (craziest) time of my life work-wise, especially this past week. Clients with pressing deadlines, and a lot of tension from their side. I remain calm and work the best I can.
Currently, I would say this event coincides with the busiest (craziest) time of my life work-wise, especially this past week. Clients with pressing deadlines, and a lot of tension from their side. I remain calm and work the best I can.