07-01-2013, 12:52 AM
There will be monumental change, but it's easy to forget how monumental the past 100 years in new found positivity.
The dream of peaceful, largely nonviolent revolution became a reality in India with Gandhi. Civil disobedience took center stage in being to achieve the independence of an entire nation from one of the largest and oldest empires.
Separate but equal was abolished almost 50 years ago in the United States. My father remember when he first came to this country there were "colored" and "white" bathrooms. It was abolished by MLK by much the same means as Gandhi used -civil disobedience.
It is now widely accepted that endangered species deserve to be protected and their existence as creatures has merit in and of itself.
There are others, but these things seemed unimaginable if you asked someone in the late 1800s, or so historians and writings from that era would have us believe. Many things that have happened in the past 100 years have been negative, but I think the foundation for the transition between 3D and 4D Earth already began in early into 20th century.
The dream of peaceful, largely nonviolent revolution became a reality in India with Gandhi. Civil disobedience took center stage in being to achieve the independence of an entire nation from one of the largest and oldest empires.
Separate but equal was abolished almost 50 years ago in the United States. My father remember when he first came to this country there were "colored" and "white" bathrooms. It was abolished by MLK by much the same means as Gandhi used -civil disobedience.
It is now widely accepted that endangered species deserve to be protected and their existence as creatures has merit in and of itself.
There are others, but these things seemed unimaginable if you asked someone in the late 1800s, or so historians and writings from that era would have us believe. Many things that have happened in the past 100 years have been negative, but I think the foundation for the transition between 3D and 4D Earth already began in early into 20th century.