(02-11-2009, 04:01 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: What we CAN say is that there seems to be a missing of the point, to some degree...a throwing the baby out with the bathwater if you will. By focusing on what will happen to the population as a whole, responsibility of oneself is negated...something is done TO us rather than us doing something proactive...we await an external event rather than creating it from within. And THAT, imho, is the real issue.
(02-11-2009, 04:42 PM)3D Sunset Wrote: Well said, Monica! I couldn't agree more. I think there is a clear grasp, by our shared consciousness that "something is happening" and that brighter days are ahead after we resolve some outstanding issues. I believe that this is largely behind the Evangelical movement's desire to see all the "end days" prophecies come to pass. It is not that people want to die, or see others "judged", I see it rather as our natural movement upward to the pull of 4D. I think that this pull or yearning exists for both harvestable STS and STO all the way to (although to a lesser extent) those that are still asleep.
Regardless though, the first place that we need to work is within ourselves.
....It may be fun to speculate about those things we cannot know, but it is ultimately as futile as arguing about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. It is transitory and immaterial what will happen, to, by, or for whom, and at what time.
Just my 2 cents (guess I couldn't resist posting after all, Q),
3D Sunset
Beautifully expressed by both of you. (I am happy to see you 3D, and that the temptation was one not lost on you. Some are led to teach, as is evident in your thread on Dewey B. Larson/Science and Technology). It would seem that many of us are in large part in full agreement, or at least to a degree, and that even though speculative, that there are those of us, thankfully I would think, that are somewhat more positive as to what the possibilities may hold, verses focusing on the "gnashing of teeth" (Bible), or any fear based, if not escapist, or elitist attitudes of worthy of "being saved" (excluding by definition...those that aren't), all by something outside of ourselves, be it Jesus in the clouds on the day of the rapture, or space brothers, or instantaneous 3D to 4D transition as per the LOO no less.
My primary intent has been the humble attempt to draw us within ourselves, if willing, in the effort of searching ourselves, not so much for what I agree may in large part be a transitory answer as to a when, how, or what manner, etc, but more to what any position held as a personal bias says about ourselves individually, verses as a subset community to either belief. This search, I would imagine, is one that falls far outside of the realm of what might be defined as transitory, and one more at center of the root mind as regards the species/race consciousness as an archetype, as an inherited idea or mode of thought pertaining to the psychology of a believer of one mythos vs the other that is derived from the experience of the race and is indeed present in the unconscious of the individual.
For this reason (no longer the one focused on the debate of the gradualist vs spontaneous transient responses - albeit the groundwork first needed to be layed), it may lend as an evolved conversation on the same focus, but now more as to The Why one chooses one myth verses another, analogous if you will (and here is my point) in large respect to the study of the Tarot as archetype, but herein the archetype being our deep seated and repeating mythos of the repeating archetypal story that points for many as resonating with the same "the end is near" as a prologue to epilogue story.
Is this a conversation worthy of embracing and giving consideration to, verses the agreed to more transitory one, that may have no end (pun and double entendre intended)? Might this lend itself as a vehicle, if for even one, to have a group/personal conversation, with the courage to look within, and willing to ask why, in such a supportive group setting, with the added cloak of anonymity, to open oneself, for the benefit of yet another?
"The End Is Near as a Race Archetypal Mindset" as per the LOO.
I leave it to any willing participant to comment,