(02-11-2009, 10:59 AM)fairyfarmgirl Wrote: Horizon:
Tesla solved the whole free energy problem by harnessing radial waves--- the energy that is radiated from the earth that is originally from the sun. This he used magnets and a pole/stake thing... I can see it but I am not mechanically inclined.
Tesla planned to go world-wide with his discovery but the Dark got wind of it and murdered him and then destroyed or stole all of his papers and inventions. They did the same to Wilheim Reich who lived in Rangely Maine... only he died in a secret CIA prison from a "heart attack." We all know of course this heart attack was triggered by torture.
There have been others who have come and uncovered this wisdom and have been silenced as well. Thank the Universe and Critical Mass and all the Indigos, Wanderers, Human Angels, and Crystals that this cycle of suppressing free energy is over.
Use the law of attraction to attract the materials you need to make your free energy device... It is possible and the universe will support you if you ask... You might want to start with I am so happy and grateful now that I have.... (you fill in the blank) Then follow up with gratitude for what you do have.
The depression is an integration issue... integration of high 4/5 D energy into a 3/4 D model body... Energy work on yourself would be helpful... self Reiki or EFT comes in strongly from the friends in the sky. the Micheals seem to indicate that rose quartz and amethyst crystals around your bed and just held during periodically would also be of assistance to you... a resource is Micheal's Gemstone Dictionary.
I wish you well. Thank you Wanderer for being here now.
Warmest Greetings to you
You are correct about Tesla. What he discovered in his workings was Scalar Wave Technology. Einstein was much the same way. When he saw what the 3D- did with his knowledge, he destroyed his library. Especially much of his Quantum Energy and Unified Field Theories. His works confirmed my beliefs in the expansion and contraction of the universe, and the living energy in time/space space/time.. There is so much wonderful info that is suppressed by the Orions and such. I know my idea is childs' play in comparison to those great minds, but I wanted to offer it nonetheless.
As far as wishes and healing goes for me, I have begun to meditate and share my thoughts with the 'Universal Soul' so to speak. I see all the souls on this world and others as one collective spirit
Presently I am reading up on healing stones, and I pray to recieve a few to use for healing all that surrounds me. I am very much interested in becoming a Shaman, so to speak. In my nightly meditations, I send soft shockwaves of healing energy into, and around Gaia, and to those which need it.
Much Love and Light to you FairyFarmgirl
(02-11-2009, 08:44 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: After reading your explanation of a magnet based perpetuum mobile. I too don't exactly have faith in your solution. If you integrate the forces over one complete revolution of the wheel, it will be exactly zero or worse due to friction.
These mistakes in evaluating magnetic devices are very very common. Many budding inventors make the same mistakes. And it keeps coming back. Don't feel bad. I also am not trying to be a bastard here.. And like I said, I'm not a physicist, I just have an amateur interest.. So I am not an expert and should not be mistaken for one..
If you can keep the wheel running for a few hours before actually adding or extracting energy. Then you may have a thing. But I'm expecting you cannot even keep it running longer than without the magnets right now.
The problem is.. Where is the extra energy coming from? I don't see you make any effort to tap it from somewhere. Like for example the zero point field.
Hello friend,
Actually what I had thought of was essentially shortening the activity involving the law of attraction and allowing the magnets to spend a longer dwell time in the repulsion action. In an attempt to use the typical North/South laws one tends to implement phasing polarities. What I have thought of was basically eliminating attraction, therefore creating a constant magnetic resistance without allowing any attractive force at all. In this theory of operation, the 2 sets of circular 'Souths' so to speak will be eternally repelling against one another. In being situated
in a sawtooth pattern the 2 sets will be in constant repulsion from each other. This application is where energy is created. When 2 magnets are tried to be put together at their South polarity, the outflow of magnetism from both magnets pushes away from each other. There are slight angle variations in my design also, which tends to create a cyclic torroidal ring around the apparatus. In the design I have in my head, I could also envision where the technology has already been progressed in a multi-field applications. I saw those patents and working model on rexresearch.com last week. His work involved 4 integrated yet independant fields, since magnetics is basically a manipulation of the electron fields of polarized objects. My idea does not trap any energy. It simply functions by its' natural property to resist. I'm merely using one half of the magnetic theory in its' simplest form. This in itself neither collects or stores energy in itself. I simply tap into that outflow of energy to create torque (action=reaction) upon another mechanism.
Just like electricity...we know WHAT it is and how to harness it, but we do not know WHY it is.
Blessings to you brother