Hello and thanks to you all the exchanges here are awesome and address some real issues for myself as well. I would like to share a thought on the statements in book4 session 80.
It is also to be noted that an adept is one which has freed itself more and more from the constraints of the thoughts, opinions, and bonds of other-selves. Whether this is done for service to others or service to self, it is a necessary part of the awakening of the adept. The freedom is seen by those not free as what you would call evil or black. The magic is recognized; the nature is often not.
The apparent happening is disassociation wether the truth is service to self and thus true disassociation from other-selves or service to others and thus true association with the heart of all other-selves and disassociation only from the illusory husks which prevent the adept from correctly percieving the self and other self as one.
This disassociation from the miasma of illusion and misrepresentation of each and every distortion is a quite necessary portion of an adept's path. It may be seen by others as unfortunate.
This is the concept that comes to my mind when we talk about yellow ray blockages although mabye this is just my defence for not wanting to get close to others. I feel that the illusion is thick in most interactions with others and I a reluctant to participate in a facade. I try to love and accept the totality of entities and look through the mask.This is difficult and lonely at times but it feels real. Let me know if I am out to lunch in your opinions as I greatly value your imput. The info in this column is awesome. Thank you all.
Hello again would someone clue me in as how to insert quotes please. I am pretty new to the computer age and spelling as I'm sure a few of you have seen. Thank you and it is great to find some like minds! This site is groudbreaking to me as I can see I'm not alone in my studys.
It is also to be noted that an adept is one which has freed itself more and more from the constraints of the thoughts, opinions, and bonds of other-selves. Whether this is done for service to others or service to self, it is a necessary part of the awakening of the adept. The freedom is seen by those not free as what you would call evil or black. The magic is recognized; the nature is often not.
The apparent happening is disassociation wether the truth is service to self and thus true disassociation from other-selves or service to others and thus true association with the heart of all other-selves and disassociation only from the illusory husks which prevent the adept from correctly percieving the self and other self as one.
This disassociation from the miasma of illusion and misrepresentation of each and every distortion is a quite necessary portion of an adept's path. It may be seen by others as unfortunate.
This is the concept that comes to my mind when we talk about yellow ray blockages although mabye this is just my defence for not wanting to get close to others. I feel that the illusion is thick in most interactions with others and I a reluctant to participate in a facade. I try to love and accept the totality of entities and look through the mask.This is difficult and lonely at times but it feels real. Let me know if I am out to lunch in your opinions as I greatly value your imput. The info in this column is awesome. Thank you all.
Hello again would someone clue me in as how to insert quotes please. I am pretty new to the computer age and spelling as I'm sure a few of you have seen. Thank you and it is great to find some like minds! This site is groudbreaking to me as I can see I'm not alone in my studys.