02-11-2009, 04:42 PM
(02-11-2009, 04:01 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: What we CAN say is that there seems to be a missing of the point, to some degree...a throwing the baby out with the bathwater if you will. By focusing on what will happen to the population as a whole, responsibility of oneself is negated...something is done TO us rather than us doing something proactive...we await an external event rather than creating it from within. And THAT, imho, is the real issue.
Well said, Monica! I couldn't agree more. I think there is a clear grasp, by our shared consciousness that "something is happening" and that brighter days are ahead after we resolve some outstanding issues. I believe that this is largely behind the Evangelical movement's desire to see all the "end days" prophecies come to pass. It is not that people want to die, or see others "judged", I see it rather as our natural movement upward to the pull of 4D. I think that this pull or yearning exists for both harvestable STS and STO all the way to (although to a lesser extent) those that are still asleep.
Regardless though, the first place that we need to work is within ourselves. Through calm and steady thought, this inner work will help us realize the greatest good for all. Beyond this, all we can really do is allow the universe space to manifest whatever it will, whenever it will. IMHO, our actions, thoughts, and focus cannot be swayed by any prophecies, visions, speculations, desires, needs, or assertions of anyone or anything outside ourselves. If we are grounded in our thoughts, balanced in our approach, and purposeful in our actions, we will be doing ourselves, the world, and all others in it the greatest service of all.
It may be fun to speculate about those things we cannot know, but it is ultimately as futile as arguing about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. It is transitory and immaterial what will happen, to, by, or for whom, and at what time.
Just my 2 cents (guess I couldn't resist posting after all, Q),
3D Sunset