06-03-2013, 08:44 AM
(06-02-2013, 05:09 PM)TheEternal Wrote: Hmm, well the breathwork is good, as much of that as possible is good, especially exercises designed to release tension.
As for the method you are using to attempt to raise your kundalini, it is effective for the first three chakras, but is rather futile in connecting the heart with the solar plexus. The heart is magnetic by nature, it is an attractive force and so it decides what energies it attracts or repels in to itself.
So, you cannot simply force solar plexus energies in to the heart, the heart has to invite or call the solar plexus energies in to it. In a manner one must surrender the will to love so that the power of the will is imbued with the connectivity and addition of love. This is why a large charge concentrated in the solar plexus will actually "clog" the channel.
To access the heart, one must be compassionate and consider of its feelings, of its desires and attractions.
Right now, you are burning energy constantly and perhaps may feel 'rushed' at times. While it does give you a constant alertness in the form of readiness, this is different from awareness which is more in regards to perception. The heart need not be 'made aware' of the need to connect, because this is its natural function. It is always doing this. However, you have to know how to connect with your own heart, how to awaken your love and be willing to give your energy away through connectivity.
This is what most tend to fear about loving, is the giving away of energy. You cannot move this charge up further because you fear losing the energy you have amassed. Realize that you will not lose anything, only gain the unknown and have it become known.
To help with perception, I advise "running the mind over the body" or examining inside, around and all the sensations occurring in and around your body, and as you do this pay attention to what feelings arise, what thoughts arise, inspirations, impressions, etc, see what parts of you hold what energies.
Looking at it as chakras or even levels on the Tree of Life, it can be seen that each chakra corresponds with different parts of the body. Each area of the body relates to different aspects of the emotional, mental and causal bodies, and it is constantly being created by the motions of the etheric body.
The key is to understand that everything you experience as and in your physical body has an analog on all the other levels.
When it comes to method, I just wing it. I've winged it so far and when something doesn't work I just try new ways.
Tbh, I only got aware of the energy moving from orange to yellow but not red to orange.
I really don't know how to connect higher per se. I've tried to listen to the heart but possibly I don't know how to interpret. Finding ones true passion is very strange when so far everything has been my passion.
No fear of love or giving holds me as such. Only lack of knowledge. I have to do so many things manually, it seems =).
For perception, this is exercise is something I've done for a long time. Either I'm doing it wrong or I need to try something else.
My guess will be that I'm doing it both in a wrong-ish manner and have to try something else to give myself perspective.
Also, yesterday was active with tingling sensation in the back, quite high up. The backside of the heart chakra, so to speak. Very localized and slightly to the right side. In addition I've had some funky physical contractions at my crown along with surges.
I cannot pinpoint where any of this is coming from, however. Trust the bodies >.>
I so appreciate this, though. Having a second or third opinion helps me see myself so much better. Cliché but very true =).
Thank you for the continous help. It gives me a clearer sense of purpose as well.