05-24-2013, 02:35 AM
I pondered long and hard about posting this, but after seeing this thread, the previous child molester thread and the general red/yellow distortions present in our social memory complex of Bring4th. I feel I have no choice. This may be one of those times where martyrdom isn't helpful. But let us hope it doesn't lead to that. But that's my experience on what generally happens when I go against 90-95% of the posters (play the devils advocate).
I can only hope that there is still a large enough spark of humility and love in this social memory complex to truly understand what I mean:
When it is a good article or opinion that I write, I may need to write over and over and over again. This is one such topic. I read this topic first when I was posting under Cyan, or, to put it in another word, when I was using the “Cyan” persona. First I read this “child molesters” thread. That got so out of hand that it was, I believe, closed and I received a warning.
After that I’ve been careful to comment on the red and yellow ray fears of the forum, and our total soul in it. Recently I watched this Pedophile thread emerge. I kept my answers simple and within a few lines of text. The idea being that I prefer not to flood deeply into topics that are obviously “light sensitive” for most. That is, if I express love as I feel it, people will either not be able to see what I mean on account of its glaring quality, in other words its amount of love for groups that are unaccepted to be loved by the reader. Or, that people will physically not be able to read my text on account of the necessary detail in intellect to be needed to be grasped before you can accept the love, even if the love itself is sought and understood to be an expression of love.
In other words, I have felt, more than once, that either my intellect or my love fails me, in the way that I am unable to convey the depths of all my emotions regarding these difficult topics.
Therefore I will attempt to be calm and centered but I will say that I will not soften my opinions on this matter to suit anyone’s perceived misconceptions of love. If the love I wish to express is considered to be “wrong” by the members of this forum other than myself, then it is a sad state of affairs indeed for us all.
So let us begin.
1: I believe that the laws regarding age of consent, voting age and age of criminal responsibility should be eliminated entirely. I believe that an individual is inherently capable of making choices for themselves. The concept of “child” as we wish to maintain it as a society now, is not only obsolete, it is harmful. And by A Child I mean a person who is viewed to be incapable of making their own decisions in a systematic manner yet still expected to perform work for the society of adults. Or as I like to call them, slaves. The people that are all around us, that have no rights, that we take for granted, that we dictate things to every day, that we treat like garbage, that die in the most plenty of numbers and who we have the audacity to claim society is built for the benefit of, the people we treat like slaves. We can begin to discuss a “just” and “STO” Society once we deal with this issue.
2: If a man rapes a woman and a woman blames all men for the rape, the initial estimate that I would make is one of mixed responsibility. The woman is mixing the individual (the man) with the communal (men) and placing blame where no blame should be placed and is acting out of a place of hurt.
Same logic, for me, applies to all groups of people. If you move from placing blame on the individual, such as the rapist, it is instead taken to be easier to place blame on the whole group, in this case, men. This is the very basic, one might even say starting point of all logic faults in relation to group interactions.
But if a pedophile rapes a child I would not place blame on all pedophiles.
To assume such is to assume in fault. Just as to assume that all men rape all women all time by their very presence, such as is assumed in some more extreme forms of feminism where all sexual interaction between men and women are now classified as “rape”.
Now, just as not all men rape all women and not all women rape all men. Not all pedophiles rape all children, difficult as that may be for people to understand. And in fact, the vast majority of pedophiles are so morbidly afraid of societal response for expressing their love that they will live out their entire lives in fear of you people.
They will never ever relax, let their defenses down or let you know how they feel, to do so is to invite your “holy anger” and worst of all; to be denied the right to see your own children. You will become the monster of society, the bogeyman under all the beds. So the vast majority of pedophiles will not only never act upon their intents, they will never act upon sexuality at all. They will act IN sexuality. That is, their sexuality will be a very well-polished act. To be anything else is to invite death at your hands. So that is the only thing they can be and our communal hell goes ever deeper. The deeper you push them away from your perfect worlds, the deeper the hell's they have to build for themselves.
Most pedophiles, you see, are not exclusively pedophiles. They are Bi-sexual in a way. They can settle for what traditional people might call an “adult” life. But they will never truly be themselves. They will always yearn to be children and to live among children and to let go of the responsibilities of adulthood and be in the presence of the laughter and company of children. But they will never do this.
Most pedophiles know that to live in the society of traditional adults, is to lose so much every day, while some adults never seem to see what they are losing every day. Once the traditional people grow into adults they seem to forget what life is about and seem to have this strange illusion that life is about status, information and who you know. Some adults live their life content in their masks, their skins of the snake, in the world of the Patrick Bateman.
Pedophiles are not this way. They never really adjusted to this corporate hellhole that we find ourselves in, they remember a time before this corporate system took over. A hellhole brought about by what the people in the world pay attention to.
Pedophiles would want nothing more than to be like children and forsake the world of you superficial glib adults in your superficial little societal clicks. But they are unfortunate enough to never be able to do so, because you all pay so much attention to the size of the adult. Sadly.
3: Love is more than just sex. And love is never rape. And if you can’t tell when another person wants or doesn't want something, you need help.
If you take the word, pedophilia the word is broken into two components: Child and Love.
If you take the word at its face value meaning, that the love of children. I question your interpretation of love if you see this word in a bad light.
Love is more than sex, and despite what your bible and your law says, love is never rape, even in marriage love is never rape. If you cannot tell the difference between what another person loves and what another person does not love, you are seriously damaged and need help.
If you assume that when someone speaks of a love for someone in the body of a child, the first thought you go to is that of the rape and the place of power and authority over another, then I suggest you find professional help as quickly as possible. Because your associations and thoughts give away deep dark secrets that you hide. But don’t worry; the pedophiles won’t try to kill or force you to be healed for being a traditional person. It’s not in their way.
4: What you send out you get in.
If you send out assumptions that two people who hold a love for one another that neither involves nor invites you, is wrong and in need of help. Then please, fellow traveler on the path homeward; Prepare for the universe to repeat the teaching of to you a painful and humiliating lesson in humility and the sticking of nose in other people’s beeswax.
5: Breaks out a bag of popcorn.
But please, do continue, I like nothing more than religious fundamentalism seeking to destroy innocent groups of people by trying to force them to conform to the religious fundamentalist groups chosen norm of perceiving this infinite distortion of love. It tickles me so.
6: To OP:
Your father is not an unconvicted pedophile, he is an an unconvicted rapist and don’t blame pedophiles for what happened to you. This is no more the fault of pedophiles than it is the fault of the straight community because he was of the opposite gender.
That being said, I’ve gone through sexual abuse as a child from my elder brother. I am now in the astral in spectacularly good terms with him. But that is only in the astral. In the physical we are deeply conflicted and troubled and it will take a great deal of time to get us into an acceptable social situation. But such is life. Death however is much kinder. In death we are balanced and all distortions are removed. Even this, and I can guarantee you that it gets much Much better the more you can forgive and move on.
I hold no ill will against neither the gay community (Man-Man) nor Pedophiles (age difference) or incestuous people (he was a relative). I hold and will continue to hold ill will against rapists(I wasn't willing/volunteer, and I made this known).
There are exactly two types of rapists:
Those that force you to do acts that you don't want to do.
Those that force you to not do something that you want to do.
Both are equally as much an act of forcing another self to conform to your will. So who it is really that "needs" healing. Me and the people I talk of, or the people that seek to change people against their wills to conform to changers internal morals in perceiving this universal illusion of love?
I would vote for the latter group to be more in need of health. But as they say. You don't have to share my distortions of love, you don't have to share my distortions of service. But I feel I am here to help people like the people in this thread to let go of all the distortions that they hold relating matters like these, at least for now. If what I am trying to do, if the position of love I am trying to illuminate seems gross and wrong, then please, don't resonate and move on. Like all people forcing others to conform, it may be better to move on than to attempt to grasp something which would only depolarize your view of your love.
From my personal experience and in no way authorative position here, because I prefer not to take any kind of strong stance on these matters as they relate to individuals:
1: Tell everyone, tell everything, tell now. Don’t hesitate, don’t delay. Write it down, write all of it down, take weeks or months if necessary but write every gosh darn heart wrenching detail that you can down. Then go to everyone and I do mean everyone and their pony with it. I published my story online while at the same time handing letters to all my closest relatives and telling everyone I cared for more or less openly.
After that my life was living hell for 3-9 months. But once it started to clear and everyone got their bearings, it got so good that if you came to talk to me before that and said it could get that could I would literally not believe you. It gets better. But only if you put gargantuan levels of effort into it. But if you don’t put effort into it, you will die in the rut you are in now. I can abso-freaking-lutely guarantee you that.
2: Don’t believe what anyone says about your sexuality. If you feel like you need to go to a farm and watch cows hump to the sounds of Beethoven, then make enough money to hire the “insert leading group name capable of playing ol Beth well” to play and ship those cows straight from the most exclusive farms on the planet. Its your dream at this point and no one elses. No matter how crazy and banal your desires, give them space and freedom to be expressed, with the caveat that don't go against the wills of individuals, there are ways around the wills of individuals. If your friends refuse to support you, change your group of friends. Etc.
If someone says you cant do something, default to “You’re going to be one that stops me, Bud?” Your society and your support network failed you, its on them. You’re on a free leash now. That’s the reality of the situation, the societal contract that keeps you in check relies on certain assumptions, one of those is that the larger party, in this case the state, guarantees certain basic rights to you, such as the right to not be raped as a child. That right has been violated and the state has offered no assistance directly to you in return, you are on your own. Plain and simple.
That is not to mean go out and break every law on the book. But it does mean that accept that you have no obligation to anyone but yourself at this point. You need to do so or you wont be able to maintain your field in a strong way. You will as a sexual abuse victim and in this situation as you are in, be strongly geared towards pleasing of others all the way into martyrdom, repeatedly, life after life. That’s why you need to have a healthy dose of “f***-it-all-ism” at this point.
In plain English this means that if you feel anything stated anywhere that you come across does not resonate, don’t go along with it. End of story.
After a while you’ll be able to make grounded objective moral estimates based on if you may want to go along with rules that may or may not resonate with you based on simply considerations other than personal resonance. That time is not now. That time is not at a point where you still feel anger towards him in a large scale. The anger will distort you and cause more and more harm to come to your face no matter what you do.
The anger will eventually turn to love and appreciation, but this will take a tremendously long time. Its been 15 years for me including 5 years of not seeing the perp and having everyone around me be 100% on my side with the exception of my family which is naturally in a bad position as the perp is within family boundaries. And I’m slowly getting to a point where I can think of all the good times I’ve had with the perp and laugh about them and say that it may be better overall that I knew him, even if I do not want to know him again in this life.
Eventually these small jokes and points of joy will turn into a genuine love and appreciation but it will take a long long long time. But right now, rest assured that it will happen. But only after he goes through every hoop and needles eye that you can think of. And I mean all of them. If you want the perp to bake you a cake, they bake you cake, if you want the perp to walk naked to the middle of the north pole and lick that metal pole there, they do it.
After that is done, you’re ready to move on.
For me, without going into like super much detail, the I know the perp in a new body around me these days and I Am willing to hang around with him, in a limited manner, and I know the perp is alive in the old body as well and knows partially what this new body knows. But my experience may or may not be similar to yours, mostly because I exist mostly in the 4th to 6th density. (This is similar to a process I mention at the end for short term 4th to 6th D work relation to this)
That is the level of jumping through hoopness that I mean as a necessary part of the forgiving process.
Ask for astral help and ask that his higher self help you forgive him by providing you with services in exchange for a gradual easing of the situation back to “base line normal love and light for all”.
And then you add stuff to the list one by one until you get all the things done you want done.
The one recommendation I have is attempt to find someone who is of the age that this person has an attraction to primarily and is a victim of sexual abuse but the abuser has died or is unwilling to meet them and the child is willing to undergo the healing process and put the child and your father in a guarded situation in the same room and make them interact with one another and make sure the child is aware that this is someone who would do the same but has not had the chance to do so yet or will not be willing to be punished about it. And make sure everyone understand the idea isn't to get this guy to be sent to the prison but rather try to get something positive and healing going on.
The dialogue that starts between the two will blow your mind in ways that you absolutely will not believe. I have seen and been present in several situations like this and I can guarantee you that you will see a change if you adopt these behaviors and if he is non violent. If he is violent I cant recommend it until the violence is dealt with but that is from my 15 years of life experience living with sexual abuse and a group of friends where it is prevelant or at least present and is the single most effective way of coming to terms.
If you need help in the psychological organization and guidance required to set up such a meeting I can write more about it but beyond that I won’t offer help due to conflict of interest.
I believe that roughly covers everything I want to say about this topic.
1. Don’t make assumptions about the love others share.
2. Don’t say you are qualified to say what consenting capable people can and can’t do with one another.
3. Don’t treat people like slaves and then pretend it’s in their best interest.
4. Don’t piss on people and say it’s raining.
5. A bigot against the most hated group in the planet is still a bigot.
Other than to once again emphasize that we are all in on this together and to be against an entire group of people simply because of what their sexual preference is, is a narrow-minded look on the world and it will not win you any allies in any grand scheme of things and in the long run, won’t help you towards the unity in L/L with others. Pedophiles are threat to no one, but I suppose, we all hate our inner pedophile so much that we must join in on this “holy anger”.
*Sighs* If I could only speak so eloquently about the mistake of love bombs.
I can only hope that there is still a large enough spark of humility and love in this social memory complex to truly understand what I mean:
When it is a good article or opinion that I write, I may need to write over and over and over again. This is one such topic. I read this topic first when I was posting under Cyan, or, to put it in another word, when I was using the “Cyan” persona. First I read this “child molesters” thread. That got so out of hand that it was, I believe, closed and I received a warning.
After that I’ve been careful to comment on the red and yellow ray fears of the forum, and our total soul in it. Recently I watched this Pedophile thread emerge. I kept my answers simple and within a few lines of text. The idea being that I prefer not to flood deeply into topics that are obviously “light sensitive” for most. That is, if I express love as I feel it, people will either not be able to see what I mean on account of its glaring quality, in other words its amount of love for groups that are unaccepted to be loved by the reader. Or, that people will physically not be able to read my text on account of the necessary detail in intellect to be needed to be grasped before you can accept the love, even if the love itself is sought and understood to be an expression of love.
In other words, I have felt, more than once, that either my intellect or my love fails me, in the way that I am unable to convey the depths of all my emotions regarding these difficult topics.
Therefore I will attempt to be calm and centered but I will say that I will not soften my opinions on this matter to suit anyone’s perceived misconceptions of love. If the love I wish to express is considered to be “wrong” by the members of this forum other than myself, then it is a sad state of affairs indeed for us all.
So let us begin.
1: I believe that the laws regarding age of consent, voting age and age of criminal responsibility should be eliminated entirely. I believe that an individual is inherently capable of making choices for themselves. The concept of “child” as we wish to maintain it as a society now, is not only obsolete, it is harmful. And by A Child I mean a person who is viewed to be incapable of making their own decisions in a systematic manner yet still expected to perform work for the society of adults. Or as I like to call them, slaves. The people that are all around us, that have no rights, that we take for granted, that we dictate things to every day, that we treat like garbage, that die in the most plenty of numbers and who we have the audacity to claim society is built for the benefit of, the people we treat like slaves. We can begin to discuss a “just” and “STO” Society once we deal with this issue.
2: If a man rapes a woman and a woman blames all men for the rape, the initial estimate that I would make is one of mixed responsibility. The woman is mixing the individual (the man) with the communal (men) and placing blame where no blame should be placed and is acting out of a place of hurt.
Same logic, for me, applies to all groups of people. If you move from placing blame on the individual, such as the rapist, it is instead taken to be easier to place blame on the whole group, in this case, men. This is the very basic, one might even say starting point of all logic faults in relation to group interactions.
But if a pedophile rapes a child I would not place blame on all pedophiles.
To assume such is to assume in fault. Just as to assume that all men rape all women all time by their very presence, such as is assumed in some more extreme forms of feminism where all sexual interaction between men and women are now classified as “rape”.
Now, just as not all men rape all women and not all women rape all men. Not all pedophiles rape all children, difficult as that may be for people to understand. And in fact, the vast majority of pedophiles are so morbidly afraid of societal response for expressing their love that they will live out their entire lives in fear of you people.
They will never ever relax, let their defenses down or let you know how they feel, to do so is to invite your “holy anger” and worst of all; to be denied the right to see your own children. You will become the monster of society, the bogeyman under all the beds. So the vast majority of pedophiles will not only never act upon their intents, they will never act upon sexuality at all. They will act IN sexuality. That is, their sexuality will be a very well-polished act. To be anything else is to invite death at your hands. So that is the only thing they can be and our communal hell goes ever deeper. The deeper you push them away from your perfect worlds, the deeper the hell's they have to build for themselves.
Most pedophiles, you see, are not exclusively pedophiles. They are Bi-sexual in a way. They can settle for what traditional people might call an “adult” life. But they will never truly be themselves. They will always yearn to be children and to live among children and to let go of the responsibilities of adulthood and be in the presence of the laughter and company of children. But they will never do this.
Most pedophiles know that to live in the society of traditional adults, is to lose so much every day, while some adults never seem to see what they are losing every day. Once the traditional people grow into adults they seem to forget what life is about and seem to have this strange illusion that life is about status, information and who you know. Some adults live their life content in their masks, their skins of the snake, in the world of the Patrick Bateman.
Pedophiles are not this way. They never really adjusted to this corporate hellhole that we find ourselves in, they remember a time before this corporate system took over. A hellhole brought about by what the people in the world pay attention to.
Pedophiles would want nothing more than to be like children and forsake the world of you superficial glib adults in your superficial little societal clicks. But they are unfortunate enough to never be able to do so, because you all pay so much attention to the size of the adult. Sadly.
3: Love is more than just sex. And love is never rape. And if you can’t tell when another person wants or doesn't want something, you need help.
If you take the word, pedophilia the word is broken into two components: Child and Love.
If you take the word at its face value meaning, that the love of children. I question your interpretation of love if you see this word in a bad light.
Love is more than sex, and despite what your bible and your law says, love is never rape, even in marriage love is never rape. If you cannot tell the difference between what another person loves and what another person does not love, you are seriously damaged and need help.
If you assume that when someone speaks of a love for someone in the body of a child, the first thought you go to is that of the rape and the place of power and authority over another, then I suggest you find professional help as quickly as possible. Because your associations and thoughts give away deep dark secrets that you hide. But don’t worry; the pedophiles won’t try to kill or force you to be healed for being a traditional person. It’s not in their way.
4: What you send out you get in.
If you send out assumptions that two people who hold a love for one another that neither involves nor invites you, is wrong and in need of help. Then please, fellow traveler on the path homeward; Prepare for the universe to repeat the teaching of to you a painful and humiliating lesson in humility and the sticking of nose in other people’s beeswax.
5: Breaks out a bag of popcorn.
But please, do continue, I like nothing more than religious fundamentalism seeking to destroy innocent groups of people by trying to force them to conform to the religious fundamentalist groups chosen norm of perceiving this infinite distortion of love. It tickles me so.
6: To OP:
Your father is not an unconvicted pedophile, he is an an unconvicted rapist and don’t blame pedophiles for what happened to you. This is no more the fault of pedophiles than it is the fault of the straight community because he was of the opposite gender.
That being said, I’ve gone through sexual abuse as a child from my elder brother. I am now in the astral in spectacularly good terms with him. But that is only in the astral. In the physical we are deeply conflicted and troubled and it will take a great deal of time to get us into an acceptable social situation. But such is life. Death however is much kinder. In death we are balanced and all distortions are removed. Even this, and I can guarantee you that it gets much Much better the more you can forgive and move on.
I hold no ill will against neither the gay community (Man-Man) nor Pedophiles (age difference) or incestuous people (he was a relative). I hold and will continue to hold ill will against rapists(I wasn't willing/volunteer, and I made this known).
There are exactly two types of rapists:
Those that force you to do acts that you don't want to do.
Those that force you to not do something that you want to do.
Both are equally as much an act of forcing another self to conform to your will. So who it is really that "needs" healing. Me and the people I talk of, or the people that seek to change people against their wills to conform to changers internal morals in perceiving this universal illusion of love?
I would vote for the latter group to be more in need of health. But as they say. You don't have to share my distortions of love, you don't have to share my distortions of service. But I feel I am here to help people like the people in this thread to let go of all the distortions that they hold relating matters like these, at least for now. If what I am trying to do, if the position of love I am trying to illuminate seems gross and wrong, then please, don't resonate and move on. Like all people forcing others to conform, it may be better to move on than to attempt to grasp something which would only depolarize your view of your love.
From my personal experience and in no way authorative position here, because I prefer not to take any kind of strong stance on these matters as they relate to individuals:
1: Tell everyone, tell everything, tell now. Don’t hesitate, don’t delay. Write it down, write all of it down, take weeks or months if necessary but write every gosh darn heart wrenching detail that you can down. Then go to everyone and I do mean everyone and their pony with it. I published my story online while at the same time handing letters to all my closest relatives and telling everyone I cared for more or less openly.
After that my life was living hell for 3-9 months. But once it started to clear and everyone got their bearings, it got so good that if you came to talk to me before that and said it could get that could I would literally not believe you. It gets better. But only if you put gargantuan levels of effort into it. But if you don’t put effort into it, you will die in the rut you are in now. I can abso-freaking-lutely guarantee you that.
2: Don’t believe what anyone says about your sexuality. If you feel like you need to go to a farm and watch cows hump to the sounds of Beethoven, then make enough money to hire the “insert leading group name capable of playing ol Beth well” to play and ship those cows straight from the most exclusive farms on the planet. Its your dream at this point and no one elses. No matter how crazy and banal your desires, give them space and freedom to be expressed, with the caveat that don't go against the wills of individuals, there are ways around the wills of individuals. If your friends refuse to support you, change your group of friends. Etc.
If someone says you cant do something, default to “You’re going to be one that stops me, Bud?” Your society and your support network failed you, its on them. You’re on a free leash now. That’s the reality of the situation, the societal contract that keeps you in check relies on certain assumptions, one of those is that the larger party, in this case the state, guarantees certain basic rights to you, such as the right to not be raped as a child. That right has been violated and the state has offered no assistance directly to you in return, you are on your own. Plain and simple.
That is not to mean go out and break every law on the book. But it does mean that accept that you have no obligation to anyone but yourself at this point. You need to do so or you wont be able to maintain your field in a strong way. You will as a sexual abuse victim and in this situation as you are in, be strongly geared towards pleasing of others all the way into martyrdom, repeatedly, life after life. That’s why you need to have a healthy dose of “f***-it-all-ism” at this point.
In plain English this means that if you feel anything stated anywhere that you come across does not resonate, don’t go along with it. End of story.
After a while you’ll be able to make grounded objective moral estimates based on if you may want to go along with rules that may or may not resonate with you based on simply considerations other than personal resonance. That time is not now. That time is not at a point where you still feel anger towards him in a large scale. The anger will distort you and cause more and more harm to come to your face no matter what you do.
The anger will eventually turn to love and appreciation, but this will take a tremendously long time. Its been 15 years for me including 5 years of not seeing the perp and having everyone around me be 100% on my side with the exception of my family which is naturally in a bad position as the perp is within family boundaries. And I’m slowly getting to a point where I can think of all the good times I’ve had with the perp and laugh about them and say that it may be better overall that I knew him, even if I do not want to know him again in this life.
Eventually these small jokes and points of joy will turn into a genuine love and appreciation but it will take a long long long time. But right now, rest assured that it will happen. But only after he goes through every hoop and needles eye that you can think of. And I mean all of them. If you want the perp to bake you a cake, they bake you cake, if you want the perp to walk naked to the middle of the north pole and lick that metal pole there, they do it.
After that is done, you’re ready to move on.
For me, without going into like super much detail, the I know the perp in a new body around me these days and I Am willing to hang around with him, in a limited manner, and I know the perp is alive in the old body as well and knows partially what this new body knows. But my experience may or may not be similar to yours, mostly because I exist mostly in the 4th to 6th density. (This is similar to a process I mention at the end for short term 4th to 6th D work relation to this)
That is the level of jumping through hoopness that I mean as a necessary part of the forgiving process.
Ask for astral help and ask that his higher self help you forgive him by providing you with services in exchange for a gradual easing of the situation back to “base line normal love and light for all”.
And then you add stuff to the list one by one until you get all the things done you want done.
The one recommendation I have is attempt to find someone who is of the age that this person has an attraction to primarily and is a victim of sexual abuse but the abuser has died or is unwilling to meet them and the child is willing to undergo the healing process and put the child and your father in a guarded situation in the same room and make them interact with one another and make sure the child is aware that this is someone who would do the same but has not had the chance to do so yet or will not be willing to be punished about it. And make sure everyone understand the idea isn't to get this guy to be sent to the prison but rather try to get something positive and healing going on.
The dialogue that starts between the two will blow your mind in ways that you absolutely will not believe. I have seen and been present in several situations like this and I can guarantee you that you will see a change if you adopt these behaviors and if he is non violent. If he is violent I cant recommend it until the violence is dealt with but that is from my 15 years of life experience living with sexual abuse and a group of friends where it is prevelant or at least present and is the single most effective way of coming to terms.
If you need help in the psychological organization and guidance required to set up such a meeting I can write more about it but beyond that I won’t offer help due to conflict of interest.
I believe that roughly covers everything I want to say about this topic.
1. Don’t make assumptions about the love others share.
2. Don’t say you are qualified to say what consenting capable people can and can’t do with one another.
3. Don’t treat people like slaves and then pretend it’s in their best interest.
4. Don’t piss on people and say it’s raining.
5. A bigot against the most hated group in the planet is still a bigot.
Other than to once again emphasize that we are all in on this together and to be against an entire group of people simply because of what their sexual preference is, is a narrow-minded look on the world and it will not win you any allies in any grand scheme of things and in the long run, won’t help you towards the unity in L/L with others. Pedophiles are threat to no one, but I suppose, we all hate our inner pedophile so much that we must join in on this “holy anger”.
*Sighs* If I could only speak so eloquently about the mistake of love bombs.