05-23-2013, 12:50 PM
(05-23-2013, 11:51 AM)neutral333 Wrote: What would be the balancing idea to the idea of "controlling circumstances"? Would it be "being controlled by circumstances" or just "letting go"?
As a purely logical exercise, it is interesting to think about what is the antithesis of controlling something, although the question you ask is finding the antithesis of an external situation.
However, there may be a distinction to what you are attempting to do and what Ra suggests. Ra suggests balancing of emotions, and emotional concepts. What you are suggesting is trying to balance or find the antithesis of external scenario.
I'm not sure that is as helpful as breaking down the situation into the emotions it creates in you, and then purely balancing from an emotional perspective, and finding the opposite emotion, and then accepting both the emotion and its opposite. Then, the situation would no longer be emotionally charged.
I think it's much more important to accept the emotions external reality causes in us, as opposed to the external reality itself, because then there would be no impetus for change that reality - and no belief of an improved reality to drive your yellow. But I'm not 100%, as I am still exploring yellow ray concepts myself. But to me this makes sense, because ultimately, reality is not real, but your emotions, in a sense, are much more real because you generate and experience them in their entirety.