05-12-2013, 02:24 PM
(05-12-2013, 02:07 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: So in 7th density you stop incarnating, and exist solely in time/space, correct? So you'd be approaching Creator as one "individual", while still being connected to your social memory complex? Each "individual" has their own rate of approach?
Gemini, you incarnate every time you have a dream experience (for example).
Incarnation is not just 'being born of a human mother etc'.
An incarnation is an appearance.
Every social memory complex is a spiral, a knot, the oversoul being the highest denisty/octave of the most spiritually advanced member of the complex.
For example Lucifer at 6th and 6th sub-octave etc. This does not mean that all beings within the complex have actuated this level, rather it is in potentiation. Thus in religious terms 'The Father' and the 'Son'.
7th density is actually a physical density of experience.
There are (we remember) s ofonly 4 dimension space/time, the other levels are akin to more advanced patterns of thought, not to spacial dimensions.
4th being the non physical gateway (where you go when you 'die') after progressing through the astral planes, 5th, a physical density of fine matter, 6th a non physical etheric realm.