Aleister Crowley attempted to integrate all 3 with his Thoth cards:
Card - Hebrew letter/astrology/tree of life
Fool = Aleph/Air/Kether to Chokmah
Magician = Beth/Mercury/Kether to Binah
High Priestess = Gimel//Moon/Kether to Tiphereth
Empress = Daleth/Venus/Chokmah to Binah
Emperor = Tzaddi/Aries/Netzach to Yesod
Heirophant = Vau/Taurus/Chokmah to Chesed
The Lovers = Zain/Gemini/Binah to Tiphereth
The Chariot = Cheth/Cancer/Binah to Geburah
Adjustment (Justice) = Teth/Libra (ruled by Venus exhaled in Saturn)/Geburah to Tiphereth
The Hermit = Yod/Virgo/Chesed to Tiphereth
The Wheel = Kaph/Jupiter/Chesed to Netzah
Strength/Lust = Lamed/Leo/Chesed to Geburah
The Hanged Man = Mem/Water/geburah to Hod
Death = Nun/Scorpio (Scorpio/Serpent/Eagle)/Tiphereth to Netzach
Art = Samekh/Sagittarius/Tiphereth to Yesod
The Devil = Ayin (Eye)/Capricorn/Tiphereth to Hod
The Tower = Peh/Mars/Netzach to Malkuth
The Star = He'/Aquarius/Chokmah to Tiphereth
The Moon = Quoph/Pisces/Netzach to Malkuth
The Sun = Resh/Sun/Hod to Yesod
The Aeon/Judgment = Shin/Libra/Hod to Malkuth
The Universe/World = Tau/Saturn/Yesod to Malkuth
Note: he does not use the outer planets - Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto
but I think Tower could be Pluto, Hanged Man could be Neptune, and Fool may be Uranus
Card - Hebrew letter/astrology/tree of life
Fool = Aleph/Air/Kether to Chokmah
Magician = Beth/Mercury/Kether to Binah
High Priestess = Gimel//Moon/Kether to Tiphereth
Empress = Daleth/Venus/Chokmah to Binah
Emperor = Tzaddi/Aries/Netzach to Yesod
Heirophant = Vau/Taurus/Chokmah to Chesed
The Lovers = Zain/Gemini/Binah to Tiphereth
The Chariot = Cheth/Cancer/Binah to Geburah
Adjustment (Justice) = Teth/Libra (ruled by Venus exhaled in Saturn)/Geburah to Tiphereth
The Hermit = Yod/Virgo/Chesed to Tiphereth
The Wheel = Kaph/Jupiter/Chesed to Netzah
Strength/Lust = Lamed/Leo/Chesed to Geburah
The Hanged Man = Mem/Water/geburah to Hod
Death = Nun/Scorpio (Scorpio/Serpent/Eagle)/Tiphereth to Netzach
Art = Samekh/Sagittarius/Tiphereth to Yesod
The Devil = Ayin (Eye)/Capricorn/Tiphereth to Hod
The Tower = Peh/Mars/Netzach to Malkuth
The Star = He'/Aquarius/Chokmah to Tiphereth
The Moon = Quoph/Pisces/Netzach to Malkuth
The Sun = Resh/Sun/Hod to Yesod
The Aeon/Judgment = Shin/Libra/Hod to Malkuth
The Universe/World = Tau/Saturn/Yesod to Malkuth
Note: he does not use the outer planets - Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto
but I think Tower could be Pluto, Hanged Man could be Neptune, and Fool may be Uranus