05-07-2013, 07:46 AM
there's a transcript by quo that sorta deals with this. its not exactly relevant since it talks more about sts entities wishing to polarize positively but at the very least it gives a working definition of arrogance versus pride and how to polarize positively when wisdom is in abundance
Quote:The chief stumbling block to one overbalanced in wisdom is a basic attitude with which this instrument is familiar that she calls pride. When she sees this element of character within herself, she confesses her pride.
However, we would perhaps use the term arrogance rather than pride. In pride, there is a conscious element: one is proud of something. There is a quantitative aspect to this concept of emotive structure. We do not wish to indicate that there is any conscious aspect to the structure involved in those who are wise at the expense of love. Therefore, we suggest the term arrogance, for arrogance is an unconscious attribute carried by those who are aware of the efficacy of their thinking processes.
We would say to those whose profile matches this distortion that it is time to become willing to be grounded in humility.