(03-06-2010, 05:07 PM)origin Wrote: Before I read LOO, I explained to him that I felt that Sex should be Spiritual, but he did not understand my perspective or seem to agree with it. I felt brokenhearted, but I still attempted to show him what I meant when we made love after discussing this...What I have been trying to figure out is whether this is the result of an energy blockage that I may have or that he may have or that both of us may have.
Hi Origin! I can so totally relate to what you're saying! I've been there.
Those quotes helped me a lot to realize that we didn't have to have a perfectly matched energy in order to have a beneficial energy exchange. If both partners love each other, then green ray is being activated, and if green ray is being activated, energy is being exchanged to the capacity of the partners. Each will enjoy the exchange on the level according to where they're at (ie. no blockages).
I would suggest that the answer to your question is: A bit of both.
You are seeking a more emotional exchange but not getting it, and wondering whether it's you being blocked or him not understanding what you're seeking, right? Since we are all One, and mated partners in particular mirror to each other, then it makes sense to me that both sides of the equation enter into play here. So, if you are lacking fulfillment emotionally, it's BOTH you and him, since you are mirroring to each other.
As you clear your own blockages, he will respond on a more emotional level. Likewise, as he clears his blockages, he will be more receptive to your emotional offering and reciprocate. Which needs happen first? I don't think it matters. If EITHER of you clears your blockages (and we all have blockages to some degree, I think - it's a process), then the other benefits.
What helped me when I was in that situation was to ponder why I was blocking the receiving of love. In my case, I realized that I didn't really love myself. How could I receive love fully when I didn't love myself?
Interestingly, when I realized that and made progress in that area, guess what! miraculously, my mate seemed to have a corresponding breakthru as well. Was that mere coincidence? I don't think so! Our energies fed each other and mirrored each other. Likewise, whenever he had a breakthru of some sort, it triggered a corresponding response in me.
So, I would suggest that you not fret about whether your partner is reciprocating in the way that you would like, and just focus on being fully in the moment, and just LOVE him, while loving yourself and opening yourself to RECEIVING love as well...and let the magick unfold! It will! The important thing is that you have commitment to each other...the rest will naturally develop as each of you evolves, and you can help each other, not just in the bedroom, but in your everyday interactions. Just being there for each other, loving each other, accepting each other, while nurturing and loving yourselves, will translate into greater energy exchange in the bedroom.
I hope this helps!
(03-06-2010, 05:07 PM)origin Wrote: He has shared with me before that he could have sex every day if I wanted, which surprised me. I have never quite felt that way because I always thought it was about the quality of experience and not necessarily the quantity.So I am still contemplating this because this same sexual dynamic continues and I am feeling confused and saddened by it.
Here's another suggestion: you might consider throwing caution to the winds and surrender yourself to joyful abandon...try doing it every day for awhile and see what happens! Without any judgement or expectation on the 'quality' of the experience, just be there in the moment, and accept it for what it is...you just might be surprised!