05-03-2013, 10:50 PM
I don't think it matters. You are who you are, and you will be who you are, if you choose to be. Even if you choose to Live a lie, you are choosing who you are. When you understand that everything is One, it becomes easier. There is no real separation, and eventually, at some point, separation will cease to exist. Once you know who you are, and who you want to be, in the sense that, you are comfortable being a certain way (not for others, but for yourself), then, you should act within who you are, to be the best you can. Whether that "best" is STO or STS. STO can be the small things my friend. And you can easily serve others in this societal construct. In fact, this societal construct gives you lots and lots of practice in STO! It is a society that heavily promotes STS, thus, there is very little balance, giving you plenty of opportunity to help restore balance. What people think should not matter to you. You are who you are, accept who you are, and do as you do. I hope that makes sense.