05-02-2013, 01:41 PM
Ankh Wrote:My current thoughts on differences between the work done in yellow ray and green ray are that yellow ray is about *relationships*
If we stretch the definition of "relationship," this can encompass everything. I do have a relationship with the Andromeda galaxy, distant though it may be. But perhaps Ra meant to refer to direct relationships between m/b/s complexes. Moreover, orange and yellow distinguish two different kinds of relationships that could be had: one-to-one and group relationships. But because yellow builds upon the foundation of orange, it is still appropriate to refer to relationships in general in the context of yellow.
Ankh Wrote:awareness of all as the Creator
This does seem to be a dividing line between yellow and green, and is very illuminating for me. In yellow, it is sufficient that I simply love and accept. I don't need to perceive others as portions of the Creator. Perception of the entirety of the Universe as a the great Body of the One Being, however, nourishes a distinctly different attitude about what it means to love than the mere appreciation of each person in my field of awareness. When I see another person as literally a part of the same entity as I am, loving others doesn't require effort or concentration. It's obvious. My red blood cells love my liver, not because they ought to or because they want to, but because they're part of the same entity.
Maybe an unblocked yellow ray is about harmonic interaction, without reference to the unified experience that we share. The distinction, then, would be between the concepts of interaction[i/] (yellow) and [i]connection (green).
Maybe yellow-ray love is like the experience you have at the end of a game of football. If you're balanced in yellow, then you enjoy the game, flowing in the dance of it, entertaining - but not losing yourself in - the competition of the experience. There are opposing sides, but there is no ill-will between them; rather, each has a role to play. There is no great cosmic meaning in the game - before, during or after - but when it is over, the opposing sides still love each other as human beings deserving of respect.
Perhaps in green ray, this experience then takes on a more cosmic attitude: Heaven and Earth also become players in the game, as does the audience. Each aspect of every experience becomes a beautiful part of the One Great Creation, and every step in the dance sings the praises of the Creator.
Ankh Wrote:how can we love the whole universe as it is, completely, if we have not yet learned to love all those who know?
It happened to me. I had an intense opening of green ray, which was preceded by a complete lack of appreciation for what the word "love" meant. I acted out of either duty or desire rather than love. I seem to have skipped the kind of love experienced in the process of unblocking yellow ray in a rapid awakening process. Then I had to retro-apply the universal love of green to specific yellow experiences in order to balance. For better or worse. This may be why I have difficulty distinguishing the two energies.