04-30-2013, 02:02 PM
Hey Adonai, from my experience with similar feelings I would say that it is likely due to your mind overpowering your heart. Some of us have the tendency to overthink things and ignore our hearts allowing the mind to lead us down a blind alley from which which we think cannot find escape, but realize that this is illusion that the mind has created and in truth all is and ever will be well. Try to still the mind and allow yourself to just be. Focus on your breathing, draw in a deep breath completely filling your lungs and hold it for a few seconds before exhaling completely and then wait again for a few seconds while your lungs are empty before filling your lungs up again. With your in-breaths feel the energy of the Universe, the ether, entering and saturating your being. With your out-breaths imagine that you are exhaling those negative thoughts and feelings that you wish to heal so that they may be transformed in the collective field of the planetary and solar energies. Do this as long as feels right for you, you can do a few deep breaths at a time working your way up.